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What do you collect?


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Almost everyone has something they collect, for me it's my collection of shirts with funny slogans and collecting all the books written by my favorite authors (I'm only missing 2 of David Gemmell's!). So my question to you is, what is it you collect?
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i colect playing cards...namely Yu-Gi-Oh!


I always meant to get into some trading card game, but I haven't got around to it yet, still, I've got a long run ahead of me, maybe some day!

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I used to collect old coins, lego, labels from beer bottles, posters. I don't collect anything right now, but I still have some of my old collections.
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I collect wind chimes. I used to collect t-shirts from every place we'd vacation. Also used to collect vintage horror comic books. Still have them, can't bear to get rid of them yet.
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I collect...

Catastrophes :blink:,

Mysteries :wacko:,

Dirt (cause I always have to clean something... ):dry:,

good Books :geek:,

funny Pictures :woot:,

good Memories :wink:,

old PC games :sleep:

and good cooking Recipes :tongue:.

(not necessary in that order)

Edited by SilverDNA
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I collect hippos, all shapes, sizes, designs and configurations. Made out of any and all substances. Funny, serious, beautiful, you name it. I love hippos.


I also used to have a fairly nice collection of (mostly) animal wood carvings. Many of them have disappeared over the years. I do still have a beautiful ebony carving of a Nigerian woman though that I cherish, and an elephant from the same carver.

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Used to collect Hot Wheels...mostly Dodge Vipers :D Also used to collect Spawn and Witchblade comic books :)


Now, I like to collect cat figurines and Japanese stuff :) The boyfriend likes to collect old motherboards, heatsinks, and CPUs :laugh:

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I collect WarHammer stuff.


Ok, before I go on, a brief explanation of what that is: WarHammer 40,000 is a fictional universe that is split into three main areas, games, PC games, and books. The books are like most other sci-fi, albiet very dark. the PC games are all RTS, based on the tabletop game that started this all, and the tabletop games, the origin of what's now a StarWars rivaling franchise, which are WarHammer 40,000, EPIC-40K, and it's space battles version.


How it works is, you've got stupendously complex set of rules, but it works a bit like an RTS on a table, you move your units around, position them, and use the mathematics to determine combat. The units are repesented by figures, and that's what I collect. WarHammer is about the clash of several vast star-faring empires in the year 40,000. Humanity is presented as a dark, agressive, colonialist regime, noble, honourable, and capable of acts of utter heroism, but at the same time capable of the most hdeous acts of barbarism. Humanity in 40K has three armies. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/The_Imperium_of_Man


The Space Marines are probably my favorite, and make up the bulk of my collection, they're these superhuman giants. 3.6 metres tall in armour, capable of tearing apart a tank with their bare hands, immune to fear, and equiped with their distinctive Power Armour, the Astartes are split into 1001 Chapters, each of about 100-6000 Marines. Each Chapter has it's own incredibly diferent story, ethics, style of play, colours, and culture. Each Chapter is essentialy a faction in it's own right, each is vastly diferent, aestheticaly, ethnicaly, and tto play as. Space Marines are ton for ton the best fighters in the game, and each unit is itself a Hero, completely unique with it's own name and wargear, but with only a million Space Marines across the entire galaxy, they're only barely enough. My favorite thing about them though is that they're Super-Human in a very diferent way; they're all unique, and while some of them commit what to our sensibilites would be horrific warcrimes upon the enemy, they are also extremely noble, heroic, and while now gods of war, they were all once men, and many rremember that. It's a bit long, but this article explains them much better than I did. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Space_Marines


In WarHammer you can play as any one of the ten alien races, they're all as well documented and written as the huamns, but I tend to avoid them, with about 80% of my collection being human stuff, and even then, I dont have many Guardsmen.


The main centrepieces of my collecttion are an Emperor Battleship, and a Warmonger Titan. Both are hand built by me, scale models, and hand painted. The Titan is a dark bronze goliath, while the Battleship sports Dark Angels livery. Niether are legal pieces, but I keep them because I think they're beautiful. The Battleship, this Iron Fist, is a big, showey, and utterly useless thing. It's simply to look good, a gorgeous metre long model built off a number of kits, shining black with chrome trim, and the motto/badge of the Chapter on the prow. It's on a stand, and that stand's foot is an Adeptes Mechanicus cyberskull shape. I love the thing, half because I feel rpoud when I look at it, half because it's utterly useless. I say this because it's against current rules, I cant use this as a 40K piece, it's "illegal" meaning it's just a funky statue. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Emperor-class_Battleship


The Warmonger sits alone on my cofeetable. In WarHammer the biggest war machines used in ground combat are Titans. Worshipped as gods incarnate by the Machine Cult, Titans are 40-200 metre tall battlemechs, with skyscraper sized cannons, gorgeous gothic styling(gargoyles all over) and equiped with a Machine Spirit; a sentient AI that inhabits the titan, making each one of these vast, ancient machines a unique, living being of metal. I've got two "workable" titans but ol' rusty, my 1.6 metre tall WarMonger is my favorite, painted a dark bronze, and with Dark Angel's penants on the turret deck, it's like Buckingham Pallace was a Transformer and just morphed into humanoid mode, again, it's against modern rules so I cant play it, but the reason is hilarious. It may be only 40 centimetres sorter than me, but it's technbicaly too small, being 1/100th scale, rather than 1/12th, which is why you cant use Titans in the regular game. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Titan


Im using links because the 40K site doesnt let me take pics from it, thus I can simply use direct images, the links are safe though, they go to Warhammer's wiki.

Edited by Vindekarr
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