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Oblivion not working


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I was installed a mod for oblivion, Everything was fine and dandy. When Who'd of known it? Every time I tried to open Oblivion, it would close the game, Before it even gave the loading screen. So I thought that it was obviously the mod, So I unistalled the mod. But it was still happened, Any suggestions? I would love a bit of help please
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Is Oblivion installed in the default location (C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\...) AND are you running either Windows 7 or Vista? If so then the Microsoft security feature UAC is probably interfering. If that's the case then your best bet is to uninstall Oblivion and re-install in a directory outside of UAC's influence (e.g. C:\Games\Oblivion). One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job done completely and correctly.
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A CTD immediately on startup is most commonly due to an issue like a missing master file. Take the advie given by Striker879, and then check that all of your mods are installed correctly. If you continue to have this problem you will need to post your complete mod load order.
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