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Can't Start from a Fresh Install - Win7

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I've just gotten a whole new gaming rig, running Windows 7. After installing the game in various locations I have always gotten the same result; the game crashes before anything significant happens. I first installed it to an external hard drive, not expecting any problems; next to the default install location, and now on the desktop. I have made no modifications to the game as of yet; I've restarted and cleaned up any remnants of the previous attempts that I could find.

I'm extremely disappointed and plan to blame all misfortune for the next week on Microsoft. Thanks in advance for any help.


Edit-I talked to a friend who is accustomed to the inconveniences of Windows 7, and he told me to try running it "as an administrator". It worked on one occasion. It no longer works.

Edited by Osteoporozis
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First of all, never, ever install ANYTHING onto your desktop.


Next, with Windows 7 install any game, Oblivion in particular, to anywhere outside of UAC protected folders such as 'Program Files'. Install to somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion\' Once you have installed the game there, DO NOT INSTALL ANY MODS YET! Run the game as vanilla first. If it works, then and only then, start installing your mods. Do this one mod at a time. Most CTDs are caused through missing masters, so be careful with your installation of mods.

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Installing the game to a new location as you specified, I get the same result. Windows told me to patch the game, and though I should have known better, I listened to it; it made no difference. I've ran the game from both the launcher and oblivion.exe, trying with and without "run as administrator".
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You may have left over registry entries giving you problems. One of the moderators here, bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a thorough job done. Give it a look-over and see if you can see anything you've not done that may help.
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I think I got it this time. When I went to pick up a sick laptop from the place I got the new PC from, I mentioned the issue; I was told of some fluke fixes for playing old games on Windows 7, such as making your desktop background a flat color and being in about seven compatibility modes at once to play the original Diablo. I ended up solving my problem by disabling my second monitor. So far, everything's working fine.

Thanks everyone, glad to be playing again... and with better graphics than ever before.

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Thanks for the update with your solution. I have heard that Windows 7's XP compatibility mode is supposed to be a better XP than Windows XP. Was it disabling the secondary monitor that turned the trick or XP compatibility mode?
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There is no problem playing Oblivion on Win7. NONE! I have been playing with Win7 since the original Win7 Beta release, Then continued with Win7 x64 Pro version- NO problems. If anything it works better than my older WinXP 32 bit version. :thumbsup:


You do not have to use any compatability mode - It's just NOT needed, and may actually cause problems.


First, Oblivion needs Administrator rights - with WinXP, Vista and Win7. With WinXP, being an admin is enough. with Win7 you need to be logged in as an administrator, AND have Oblivion run with admin privileges.


Then, even though the game without mods will play fine in the default location, using mods and utilities will give problems due to the UAC protection - (same as Vista)

Best fix, install outside of the protected folders. I use C:\Games\Oblivion


If you have installed to the default location Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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