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Oblivion (yeah, that's a pun) ;)


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I looked over at my poisoned companion. His chest heaved as he struggled to stay on his feet. His knees quivered, then his legs finally gave out.


He looked over at me from under his sunglasses, his eyes widened in either panic or joy. His head weakly fell to the ground.


My eyes filled to the brim with tears. I rushed over to him, my gun bobbing up and down on my back, painfully hitting it with my every step.


He looked up at me with those wide eyes. He inhaled sharply and twisted his face in pain.


I began to dig through my things, frantically searching for antivenom, "No," I said, beginning to panic, "No... no... It's not here. I don't have anything to help you..."


"C-cazadores," he managed to stammer out between gasps, "Didn't see the end... like... this... Not a Legion, huh? Just... cazadores."


"Craig," I sobbed, "Don't talk, please..."


He began to laugh, sounding both disturbed and elated.


I injected a stimpak into his arm, trying desperately to keep him alive.


"Se-Seras," he mumbled, blindly reaching his arm toward the air.


I took his hand and squeezed it tightly, my frame quivering with sobs.


He let go of my hand and clumsily found my cheek. His limp neck somehow allowed his head to move enough to stare at my face with sightless eyes.


"Craig," I wailed, placing my hand over his. He had never shown any kind of affection toward me before now. He always avoided my eyes when I looked at him and talked to me in a brusque, almost annoyed manner.


"Seras... Victoria," he said between panting breaths, sounding as if he were savoring the sound of my name.


"I'm here," I said through my childish, wailing cries.


"You look... just like... my Carla... I'm sorry I... never told you..."


My eyes widened and my tears stopped, "You- I- I'm sorry, Craig!"


"I can't feel all my limbs..." he mumbled in a hoarse voice. He weakly placed both his hands on either side of my jaw and leaned toward me shakily.


I moved my face toward his, and he collapsed limply with a final sigh.


"NO!" I screamed, "WAKE UP!"


I panicked and shoved a stimpak into his arm with an unsteady hand, breaking the needle inside his skin.


My body stopped supporting itself, and I fell forward onto his chest. My left arm burned intensely. My eyes instictively darted to it. There was a large, inflamed puncture wound in my forearm.


"They got us, Craig..." I whispered, my vision flickering, "And I didn't even notice..."


I used all of my strength to pull my face next to his. Through my flickering vision, I saw a twisted smile on his cold, dead lips. He had finally gotten to die...


I pressed my lips against his feebly, "I... love... you..."


The world went black, and I knew I was dead.


continuation of the story for those that don't like tragedy

Edited by tokyobleach
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I enjoy this one more, mainly cause it doesn't have that rude Arcade Gannon in it. Anyways, great job Kayla! I enjoy the way you write it as if it were composed of stanzas, as well as the sensory details you give its just wonderful! :highfive!:
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Very Excellent! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Looking forward to reading more of your writings. :dance: :yes:

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