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Texture identifier


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Simply target an object in the console and it will tell you it's texture name and file path. I know there's some needlessly complicated way to find it in the creation kit but it would take an extremely long given how many textures there are in skyrim.
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It's actually quite simple to find textures without even using the creation kit. Use BSA unpacker to unpack the texture BSA and any BSAs for DLC that you might need textures from, then just navigate through the texture folder to find the one that corresponds to the item you are looking for. For textures on items that are from a mod, find the mod's zip in your NMM mod folder, make a copy of it somewhere accessible, extract everything out of it, and navigate to its textures. It is possible that some mods may have weird names for their textures, but I would say most mods use names that you can actually use to find what you're looking for.
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Problem is I could have, say, 20 different rock textures, how do I know which is the texture that looks awful? I know how to unpack a bsa and swap textures around, but I don't know which to do. If I could go into console and click a rock and it say rock-8.dsa or whatever, then problem solved. That is what I want from a mod. If automatic variants is possible then this should be.
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