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Anvil recommendation quest bug?


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I wonder about a quest in the game. In the "anvil recommendation" quest (for joining the mageguild), you are supposed to be ambushed by a battlemage but everytime I ge to the place the battlemage is fighting an Imperial legion soldier. As soon as I get involved the soldier starts attacking me! wtf, I've tried to let some time pass but it doesnt matter which time during the day I get there, its the same scenario occurring over and over again. Is this some sort of bug or what?! I cant get involved in my own quest, if so, the soldier attacks me and Im forced to fight him, and get a bounty on my head... this seriously sux.... Any suggestions on how to avoid this situation? thx :)
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Try attacking the girl and then running away from the guard.. You should be grand after about three days. If not 1,000 gold is a low price to pay to get into the Arcane University so you could kill the guard and pay gold.


Or you could open up the console (provided your playing on the PC) by using the tilde button (~), clicking on the girl and typing 'kill', if needs be do the same to the guard as it doesn't count as you killing him and you won't get a bounty as long as your on the PC.

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Something is wrong here. Perhaps you are just describing the quest wrong though, and nothing is wrong. You are supposed to be helped by some battlemages to find out who is attacking travelers. There shouldn't be any fighting going on before you get there because the quest events take place via scripts that are activated by the player aproaching a certain area. When you do you should be greeted first, that is when the game sets that characters AI to hostile and has it attack you.


If you are aproaching an area where an imperial battlemage is fighting a gaurd then you should not join in. They are both good oriented characters who, even though they are fighting eachother, will cause you to get a bounty if you join in.

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Here's an excerpt from the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the quest (from the Bugs section):


Tell Caminalda that you're a merchant. Otherwise, she's not going to try to attack you on the road.

Entering setstage MG04Restore 40 into the console will correct this.

This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.


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