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Possible script issue with Horse, not appearing.


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Made a copy of the Cheydinhal horse, edited it to remove the Cheydinhal script and removed the AI Cheydinhal return script, then made other edits too, renamed, new ID, stats color and such.


Then placed the horse outside the Starting Prison Sewer exit, yet once I exit the Horse isn't there, I Fast Travel to Cheydinhal it's in the Pen as if I had bought it already. Why won't the horse appear at the exit, shouldn't removing the Cheydinhal script and AI then placing it be enough?



Thanks for any tips.

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Since you used a copy, have you removed ownership of Cheydinhal Stables from it?
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Thanks Hickory, I checked and there was no Ownership set. When I Fast Traveled to Chedyenhal and moused over the horse it wasn't stealing. Set NPC Ownership to Player, but that still didn't seem to help, exit the sewers no horse.


Your right though it must be something associated with Chedyenhal, as it auto moves there even though I removed the associated script and AI. The only two AI are HorsePCStay and HorsePCStandStill, not having ridden the horse before might be causing a different script to kick in, I guess. Maybe I should try to do a Summon Horse Script.



Thanks for any tips

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Was there a particular reason for using the HorsePCBlackCheydinhal instead of the HorseBlack? I just did a quick check using a Test esp I have with some bandits and a horse (uses the HorseBay resource) and I can ride it after I've dispatched the bandits. I know it stays where it's left, as I've often left the Test.esp active while doing other things in the game and it just stands there patiently.
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Ok it worked changing to Black Horse, thanks!


The only problem I had was everytime I got off the horse it started walking away back to it's home. Not really sure where Home was but guessing it was where I placed it on the map or the nearest stable. Had to delete GoHome AI script to solve this, now it just waits for me or teleports to the closed stable when in a town.

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