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Carry Items Forward into New Playthrough


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We Skyrimaholics spend hours and hours acquiring, tempering and double-enchanting 50-100 items of armor and weaponry. Too soon, it's time for a new playthrough, and we have to do it all again.


Does anyone know of a way to carry these items forward from one playthrough to the next, complete with their Legendary tempering and uber-strong double enchants? I have Googled for such a thing to the best of my ability, but come up empty-handed.


One way I can think of to do it would be to package the items we want to bring forward into the next playthrough into a custom mod (esp file) that has a container into which you could place all your can't-live-without-it junk, and then use that esp file in your new playthrough to spawn the container with your stuff from the last playthrough. The problem is, creating that mod by hand would take hundreds of hours in the CK, and, for those of us who use "cheat" items like 10,000 x Golden Ring of Crafting to both uber-temper and uber-enchant some items, each of those MGEFs (Magic Effects) would have to be hand-coded as well since no enchants of that magnitude exist in vanilla Skyrim... truly a daunting task.


I'm visualizing a MCM-driven in-game "spell" utility, or even an external utility that can pluck the items out of savegames, that at the push of a button takes the entire contents of some in-game container (or the contents of your inventory from a savegame) and "clones" one of each and every item, complete with tempering and enchants, as well as the new names you gave them during the enchanting process, writing them into a custom mod file (esp) that can then be placed in the load order for the next playthrough. Of course, because many of the items are mod-originated, the new custom esp would be dependent on those other mods also being in the load order of the new playthrough.


Anybody know of such a thing, or if such a thing is reasonably do-able?

Edited by Vyxenne
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