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What tools do you use for modding apart from the construction set?


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Yes so i wanted to learn modding, and i'm one of those crazy workaholic people that when they plan to learn something they want to learn everything about it from every perspective. i don't wanna learn only the scripting, i want to learn modeling, texturing, everything. but to do things like these i've gotta get started somewhere right?


So i wanted to ask modders from novices to experts what tools they are using. and what plugins for those tools, for example, i've looked around a lot and the closest thing i got to making textures in the .dds format was with a nvidia plugin for adobe photoshop. as for .nif (model) files and .kf (animation) files... i'm clueless.


I am a bit surprised there wasn't a sticky thread like this here already. but thanks for your replies in advance, and i hope this topic will prove useful to more people than myself.

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Adobe Photoshop CS4 with the .dds file format plugins from NVidia to change colors of textures

NifSkope for messing with the 3D models

Acid Pro for sound editing

3D Studio Max for mesh, skeleton, and texture rigging (a lot of people use the free Blender studio for this)


For most basic mods you can get away with just TES Construction Set and NifSkope.

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For making basic mods you will need:


TES4Gecko for editing file descriptions, mod-merging, and silent dialog creation.

TES4Edit for advanced mod-cleaning.

BSA Commander for vanilla Oblivion file unpacking.

Wrye Bash for creating mastered patches.

TES4Files for file packaging.

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i dont know much about modelling, well not how to create something from the scratch but i can edit and do some 're-fitting' stuff. *cough*reduced cup size from H to C*cough* xD


But putting that aside i use:



WryeBash (only when needed)

Adobe Photoshop 7 (DDS tools)

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Pyffi to optimize meshes

Tes4Edit to quickly analyze plugins and to clean.

Wyre Bash for distribution

Oblivion Mod Manager for distribution (BSA, OMODs, and so on...)

Blender <-- only if you need to create your own meshes (3ds Max is even better)

A .dds editor (photoshop for example), only if you need to create your own textures.




Do not upload silent voice files in the main file! >.<

Most of us can use OBSE and use Ely's Universal Silent Voice... you are just contributing to more bandwidth use :P

Instead, use an optional download for voice files.


Do not upload distantlod! :(

We can use Tes4LOD Gen for that.


Coblize! :P


Clean your plugins! >.<

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