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Regarding HGEC clothing/armor mods.


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Im finding a lot of em. Some are specific, like HGEC L S D-cup or w/e. But others just simply say HGEC.


If they aren't specific do they work for all body types, or is it just trial and error?


If not, what's the best body type(more compatible clothing/armor to choose)?


Im currently going with normal type, small waist, A-cup.

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As long as you have some version of HGEC, any HGEC armor or clothing will still work. Armor and clothing replace whatever body your character currently has, so if your character has A cup, but the armor is for D, the armor will make your character to be a D. The body you have does not affect the armor your character wears.
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What happens is the clothing you install becomes that part of the body (which is also why you need clothes compatible with your installed body). I use different sizes in my vanilla clothing replacers to get a bit of variety in the female game NPCs.
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I removed the files and fired up OBMM again and activated a new set of the files but it won't install the files anymore.


Ok, does OBMM load the mod, regardless of where the files are located?


Also, am I missing something? The hands are clipping, a different color, and look bad.

Edited by Ghoulz
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For Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) to find and load a mod it's OMOD file must be located in the Oblivion\obmm\mods folder. Some mods come already in the OMOD format, others need to be turned into OMODs if that's the way you want to install non-OMOD mods. Creating the OMOD can (or perhaps 'should' would be better way of putting it) done in a separate folder created just for that purpose. If you download to a folder you've created for that mod (I create a separate sub-folder in my OblivionDownloads folder that I created) you can use it to create your OMOD. You would then copy that OMOD file to your Oblivion\obmm\mods folder.


If the mod is designed for the same type of body you are using you shouldn't see different colours on the hands.

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Another noob question. What happens if clothing mods have the same location? Will they both appear there or will one override the other?


If you mean the location where you can access the clothing, then they should both appear. As long as they do not occupy the EXACT space you can access both. The clothing can both be from the same vendor as well.


If you meant which body slot; only one can be worn at once.



You can download the HGEC body here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15802

All variants should be included

Edited by Genzel
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