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Warhammer 40k MMO announced


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THQ just announced a new partnership with Games Workshop to produce an MMO for Warhammer 40k. There's already a Fantasy Warhammer MMO in development from Mythic; so this should be interesting.


I'm not really a huge warhammer fan per-se; I dabbled in it a bit while I was in secondary school and I can see the appeal but what I'm more interested in seeing is whether they'll go down the route of a WoW 3rd-person MMO (boring) or go a bit further out there and true to do what Planetside failed (quite miserably) in doing and produce an FPS MMO.


Any thoughts?

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  • 2 months later...
If THQ pull this off well, they will have produced the biggest MMO in existence. After all, WH40K takes place across the whole of the Milky Way, the Imperium itself has over a billion worlds. Then there are the countless Space Marine chapters, Tau cadres, Ork Waaghs, Craftworlds... This game is going to be gigantic, at the very least. Hopefully there will be an emphasis on army scale FPS combat, with up to 1000 things on screen, I hope, because you never see small skirmishes in WH40K. When fights start, planets die, either due to Exterminatus, or due to being completely overrun. Anyway, If they do it in the style of WoW, I will be extremely disappointed (pah, you can leave it to the faceless mareting execs to ruin everything....)
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Ah, well. It was nice to hope. As long as they include moderately large scale combat (i.e. skirmish size), witha good game engine and the gothic atmosphere, it'll be okay, I guess...
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  • 2 weeks later...
eg RPGMMO RolePlayingGameMassivlyMultiplayerOnline, like World of Warcraft, thats an MMO, an RPGMMO.

Usually people call this a 'MMORPG' though, instead of RPGMMO.

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