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Where's New Canaan, Anyway?


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I closed my eyes, my eyebrows furrowed in frustration. I crossed my arms and began to take slow, deliberate breaths to calm myself down, counting each one. It took thirteen this time. My lips curled upward at the "unlucky" number.


"Good thing you taught yourself that little trick," Arcade commented, "You get so infuriated sometimes that I worry you may burst a blood vessel or have a heart attack, and on-the-site lifesaving surgery isn't exactly my forte."


"Can't help my temper," I grumbled, feeling slight agitation at Arcade's words.


He put a hand on my shoulder, signifying that he meant no harm and was joking.


My attention was drawn back to the source of my frustration. I stared at the graffiti intensely, turning the words over inside my skull a thousand times, before sighing and blindly sitting down, my eyes still fixed on that one sentence painted on the brick wall.


"Um?" Arcade said, catching my attention. He pointed at the ground below me.


I looked down. I was sitting on a pile of bloody intestines. My temper flared up again, and I kicked the pile of viscera away with a snarl carved into my face before plopping down in the same spot as before.


"'The Burned Man walks!'..." I read aloud, "What could it mean?"


"Haven't we been over this story multiple times?" Arcade sighed.


"Yes," I growled, my face looking vicious, "But the story isn't enough. Why would someone go to the trouble of painting this on the wall here? Or something similar on a billboard on the other side of the Mojave? Is it some kind of cult? Is it Joshua Graham himself? I'm stumped..."


Arcade put a hand on the top of my head, "Only time will tell, my friend..."


"And," I threw my hands into the air angrily, "Where is New Canaan, anyway!?!"


Arcade chuckled and pointed at a sign with the exact words I'd just spoken sloppily painted on its surface.


I began to grumble under my breath, my arms crossed and my expression sour.


Arcade smiled and pushed up his glasses, "Just be patient. Something tells me that someone as influential in this post-apocalyptic wasteland as you won't have to wait long. Just watch. You'll be dragged into the middle of it sooner or later."

Edited by tokyobleach
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Very excellent but would like to see you extend the story out in future. Honorary kudos to you! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Edited by Maharg67
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