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NifScope problem...again:-(

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Hey there everyone,


ok here is the problem, I´ve been changing armours to my taste for fallout using NifScope and all worked out pretty well, so I wanted to do the same with Oblivion armours but it won´t work and I can´t figure out what the problem is!!! funny cus the knowhow of armour changes on Fallout I picked up from the Oblivion Wiki and here.


Cool if someone has an idea....thanx

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hahaha crap forgot to say didn´t I,


well lets say I want to place a belt from one armour into another using copy/paste, it will show in game with Fallout but when I do that with Oblivion armours it won´t show or they are huge and all over the place(in game)...in NifScope itself it looks fine.

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