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Voiced sounds for my followers?


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Can anyone help me and put sounds for my elven follower mod, I only need the basic conversation sounds for followers because it is so boring hearing the same words and voice from my follower, I have 2-4 followers following me and they have the same voice type. . .


or is it possible to get some sounds from some existing follower (for example Inigo) and put it to my follower? if it is possible how (I think It is legal here as long as I will not share, right?)

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I did all what is on the tutorial but my follower became mute my follower is good but I dont know where will I get the sounds I need . . well I just need some premade sounds for my follower :smile:


Edit: I just GAVE UP!, I just checked some vanilla dialog and there are so many things that the tutorial failed to explain! there is too much text and configurations, Mind Blown, Text Overload!

Edited by CyranGE
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I learned the stuffs about adding sound but I learned too there is so many things I need to do next, I know I can uderstand it after I read it again and again but where and how can I get the sounds I need? my voice is not that good to make elven voices hahahha

I plan to get some voice from some follower mod here but the sounds in sound file are .fuz file so I dont know how will I use hthat.

Edited by CyranGE
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