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Make undead immune to most traps.


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Sorry, confused race window with another window. Dammit.

You can add perks via script. But it safer to make spells, if you don't hate the effects.

I can dup spells and magic effect and remove effects thats not a problem, recalling how to get a spell to start on the player is another... LOL I forgot what settings to use in alias in a quest LOL



I think I got it, useing an add script.

Edited by ZippyDSMlee
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It's impossible to give NPCs perks with a script. GivePerk only works with the player. Trust me, I've run into that wall dozens of times.

Yup, however I gave the player a prek and changed magic damage and damage, bash damage, power attack damage mods however when I went to go and make magicfiredamage do more damage via the magic damage mod it wouldn't work. So I guess a cloak spell is the most you can use.

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