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Fallout 4 scepticism...


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Seems like over 90% of the people who played the game did not have those issues bad enough for it to effect them one bit and infarct enjoyed the game enough to give it a 9 or 10 out of 10...


So maybe you are just over sensitive or over negative or something, not really any of my business though.




I will leave you to your little pity party, I have wasted more time here than I should ever have, it is taking time away from my mod.

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Many people played this game on consoles, even more ppl never tried to mod this game, and I bet 90% of voters haven't spend more than 10-20 hours ingame, there we have a result. As I said, game has TONS of issues, you can chech tech board sections and talk with modders of big scene, those who're still working on USKP and others (are they so silly if game is fine?). If someone hasn't any issues, that means either he spend too little time in it or was very innatentive. I dunno how can you get oversensetive with issues like CTD every 5-15 minutes or multiple corrupted saves with 300+ hours in... and that's just a top of an iceberg really...

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I dunno how can you get oversensetive with issues like CTD every 5-15 minutes or multiple corrupted saves with 300+ hours in... and that's just a top of an iceberg really...



I have played Skyrim ever-since it came out, still play it, and i have never had a corrupted save-game, ever. I've had my share of CTD's, that are easily contributed to modding. I use a heavily modded game and an ENB.. and i know from experience that you should be careful with what you combine in your load order, and with your load order itself. Once i had my load order sorted, i did have not have one CTD any more. I suspect that a balance between the load order and the hardware is also important. I used to never get more then 30 FPS.. while other games did way better on my old video card.a G-force 780 ti... But ever-since i installed a GTX 980 ti, i get a solid 60 fps capped. The older card simply couldn't handle the load...


Not everything is Bethesda's fault...



Just saying..

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There are some cases of corrupt save game with players, who never had installed a single mod on this game, savebloat is still an issue, and it can easily happen on non-modded game, when USKP actually eliminates or reduces to minimum that issue. It happened to me once on very lighly modded game (no scripted mods and all from well known authors with BOSS order) before I installed USKP. And that's hardly Beth accomplishment...


On the CTD account, I beg you, chech out Shesons Memory Patch (which is now goes by default with SKSE). It has nothing to do with your GPU, RAM or CPU hardware power... things you will discover about memory usage in this game will make you laugh at best... it shows that devs haven't slightest idea about how make it work or deeply don't care. NON of issues have been adressed by Beth, all of them are modders hard work for free and for the community, that's a shame. With this situation Beth might be thinking that releasing game in poor technical state and providing 0 support will eventually be fixed (at least partially) by community. Significnt part of big scene modders complain about terrific Skyrim instability compared to previous titles. I don't see why this won't be repeated, all that matters is marketing and advertising product to masses.


I have most of these point covered in my first post, please read...

Edited by Signette
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Have any of you seen the leaked game play videos out now? It is depressing to watch them. I do not expect greatness in a video taken with a phone while someone plays console. What is sad is the quality of the game play itself. The animations are terrible, the NPC and enemy AI is terrible. FO4 looks terrible for Todd Howard's 'nex gen' game he is talking about.

I will not be buying FO4 until after the 1st of the year. I will wait for the modders to start work and see what happens.

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let me contribute to the discussion, although i tend not to involve myself in forum debates.


i am a huge fallout fan: i've completed all of the games more than two times.

what saddens me most is not the AI of the enemies, not the graphics (you shouldn't care about these things in fallouts) and not even the "next-gen" or whatever they call it.


first thing is first: who thought that this stupid dialogue system is a good idea?! HOW?! how is it any good?

what are the choices?


1. food

2. no food

3. get food

4. sad


i am generalizing but you get the point, especially considering the fact that your character says something like "i want 3 nuka-colas and a brahmin steak" when choosing the "get food" option. who thought it was any clever? how is it supposed to be an RPG when you don't even understand what is it you're CHOOSING?

i am not even touching on 4 (!!!) dialogue options. if you haven't realized by now, there will be only four (!!!) options every single time you need to make a decision.


remember the times when you wanted to ask some questions to veronica in NW and you could endlessly browse through the options? well, go play your mini-games on your pipboy, let your enemies explode in a mess, shut up. that's pretty much what will be happening in fallout 4.


AND, WHAT IS IT WE HAVE HERE, THEN? we have the stupid pip-boy mini games, but the stupid AI of enemies, lack of dialogues, lack of options, zero build-up to the main story (i will not go into the details as i don't want to spoil anything to people that didn't watch the leaks. on the second though, even if i will spoil the main story right here and right now, it turns out to be so predictable that you will probably say out loud: "who thought of this being a good idea?!".


anyway, what i am trying to say is that bethesda couldn't care less about NV. instead of taking a closer look, noticing that it's the only "overwhelmingly positive" fallout game of steam, they deliberately crossed a line on top of it, making sure not to mention in under any circumstances.




well, because FO4 is nothing but a skyrim with guns. you will find no innovations if you completed skyrim in FO4, as it just seems like they replaced the textures of skyrim with the textures of vault-boys.


you get an idea... i don't think they were putting any effort into this game.


will it be a good first-person shooter? well, maybe. i might actually be very good.

will it be a good RPG with an amazing story, fantastic character development? no.

will your decisions matter? i don't think so. they neither mattered in FO3. if you disagree with me, try playing FO3 as an evil character. you will realize that its story makes zero sense. you are a freak that destroyed megaton, murdered thousands of people, yet you help your dad to start a purifier and provide fresh water to the wasteland? does this sound funny?


bethesda, in my opinion, doesn't even take obsidian seriously. they decided to create a game identical to FO3, except you're the dad now. the only thing that is missing is a purifier.


a shame...

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let me contribute to the discussion, although i tend not to involve myself in forum debates.


i am a huge fallout fan: i've completed all of the games more than two times.

what saddens me most is not the AI of the enemies, not the graphics (you shouldn't care about these things in fallouts) and not even the "next-gen" or whatever they call it.


first thing is first: who thought that this stupid dialogue system is a good idea?! HOW?! how is it any good?

what are the choices?


1. food

2. no food

3. get food

4. sad


i am generalizing but you get the point, especially considering the fact that your character says something like "i want 3 nuka-colas and a brahmin steak" when choosing the "get food" option. who thought it was any clever? how is it supposed to be an RPG when you don't even understand what is it you're CHOOSING?

i am not even touching on 4 (!!!) dialogue options. if you haven't realized by now, there will be only four (!!!) options every single time you need to make a decision.


remember the times when you wanted to ask some questions to veronica in NW and you could endlessly browse through the options? well, go play your mini-games on your pipboy, let your enemies explode in a mess, shut up. that's pretty much what will be happening in fallout 4.


AND, WHAT IS IT WE HAVE HERE, THEN? we have the stupid pip-boy mini games, but the stupid AI of enemies, lack of dialogues, lack of options, zero build-up to the main story (i will not go into the details as i don't want to spoil anything to people that didn't watch the leaks. on the second though, even if i will spoil the main story right here and right now, it turns out to be so predictable that you will probably say out loud: "who thought of this being a good idea?!".


anyway, what i am trying to say is that bethesda couldn't care less about NV. instead of taking a closer look, noticing that it's the only "overwhelmingly positive" fallout game of steam, they deliberately crossed a line on top of it, making sure not to mention in under any circumstances.




well, because FO4 is nothing but a skyrim with guns. you will find no innovations if you completed skyrim in FO4, as it just seems like they replaced the textures of skyrim with the textures of vault-boys.


you get an idea... i don't think they were putting any effort into this game.


will it be a good first-person shooter? well, maybe. i might actually be very good.

will it be a good RPG with an amazing story, fantastic character development? no.

will your decisions matter? i don't think so. they neither mattered in FO3. if you disagree with me, try playing FO3 as an evil character. you will realize that its story makes zero sense. you are a freak that destroyed megaton, murdered thousands of people, yet you help your dad to start a purifier and provide fresh water to the wasteland? does this sound funny?


bethesda, in my opinion, doesn't even take obsidian seriously. they decided to create a game identical to FO3, except you're the dad now. the only thing that is missing is a purifier.


a shame...


The last Bethesda game with decent writing was Morrowind, since then they've concentrated on pointless fluff and if the leaked videos are anything to go by then this is going to be more of the same. My worry when it comes to only four dialogue options isn't so much the lack of options in the base game, the less Bethesda dialogue I have inflicted on me the better, my concern is modding, how are modders going to add dialogue to existing NPCs or create new ones with any depth to them? I just hope the UI works properly with a mouse and keyboard this time, Skyrims didn't .

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i don't know man, mods are my consideration as well. after all, it is because of mods i found myself replaying FO3 and NV over and over again. that's another question...

but honestly, 4 dialogue options? in what is known to be an RPG? are you serious, really? how can our choices even MATTER if you have 4 options to choose from?


sorry, but i just had to spit it out. i was skeptical about it when i watched E3, but the more stuff leaks, the more skeptical i am...


Signette, i am sure it does.


oh yes, the game was originally console-based (hence the 4 dialogue options for controllers). it wasn't really PC-oriented, if you know what i mean. i wouldn't have high hopes for UI...

Edited by psalm69
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Looking at the game play videos it looks like stripped down Witcher3 dialogue that is not interesting.

I saw a video of DogMeat on fire and he stands motionless at Super Mutants attack the player. The dog wags his tail and looks at the player while it is on fire.

I saw another video of companion Piper run at a Super Mutant so she could get knocked down faster (Lydia in Skyrim).

The ash/goo piles pop into place when the creatures die by laser. There is not a smooth transition.

The story lines are straight lines. Player good, player bad, player neutral. Different dialogue leads to the same result.

The new EULA prohibits 3rd party software from being used in mods. No script extender exe to make better mods and no FNIS to add animations. Must protect those consoles!


The only saving Grace for FO4 will be the modding community, if they are allowed to mod it like they have in the past.

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