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problems with the Construction Set & Windows 10


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This may be a stupid question, but strange things are happening with my Construction Set...

Whenever I save an .esp plugin in the Construction Set it does not appear in file explorer, and Windows 10 thinks it's not in the the Data files folder (that's where I save to, I tried to copy it elsewhere from the Construction Set save window. ), But the game and Construction Set both say that the file IS THERE... (anything I add to the game is present when I play)


I think windows 10 is to blame for this, (Or it's my fault... ) but I want to know how to fix it, if it can be fixed...


My pc...

intel core i7-2600

8GB ram

EVGA GeForce GTX 960

250GB samsung SSD

Windows 10 pro (build 10240)


Morrowind GOTY ed.

Tamriel Rebuilt mod



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I haven't heard of many people's experiences running Morrowind with Windows 10. That said, is Morrowind installed in Program Files? You could be running into folder virtualisation issues (although that was introduced with Vista so I'd expect it would've cropped up by now).
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