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FEEDBACK/SUGGESTION - Recommended tab, related to tab!


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I'm not entirely sure if this has been recommended before but i've been wanting the site to have recommended and related to tabs on mod pages. Like if a mod author puts at the bottom of their description other mods that they've made or mods that would go well with their mod i think it would be pretty cool to have a tab dedicated to these things, like a smaller version of the search/filter browser that limits it to the items the mod author puts there/limited to other mods the author had made previously. That why the image used as a screenshot for those mods would be visible even on another mod page to get a better idea with out needing to necessarily go to that mods page directly.


maybe it seems redundant to some but i feel it would be useful ^^

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I really want to get this feature incorporated but there's just no where to put it in the current design that's visible. It could go below the main content (tabbed) area I guess.


We'd set it up in such a way that you could opt in to using it, but if you opt out of using it, your mod won't show on other people's "releated/recommended" tabs, in order to be fair.

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I really want to get this feature incorporated but there's just no where to put it in the current design that's visible. It could go below the main content (tabbed) area I guess.


We'd set it up in such a way that you could opt in to using it, but if you opt out of using it, your mod won't show on other people's "releated/recommended" tabs, in order to be fair.

maybe you could add a secondary dropdown tab in the description and create an official nexus template of sorts that allows the user to type in specific data for each area of the description to be seen and just below the "required" section you could have it there as a drop down that opens like an app folder on your smart phone homescree? lol


or maybe put it hidden away in the files tab? maybe make it a floating window that pops up when you click the download with manager/manual download button similarly to how the donation popup is available? these are just some thoughts of course lol

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What if it was based off of tags for the mod (i.e. a house mod in solitude that you use hearthfire for might have tags 'solitude' 'player home' 'build' 'DLC Hearthfire') - and show mods that have similar tags to the current mod (say, two or three, and higher of the same tags). For selecting tags you could have a pre-built 'pool' to choose from for mod authors to 'assign' to their page - though that 'pool' of tags would likely need to be upgraded several times to get a high enough amount for good results overall of the 'similar to / related' search. Also, a search function (or even built-in thesarus?) for mod authors to use (i.e. they type in 'dlc' into a bar, and it would show the DLC tags - Dawnguard, Hearthfire, ect). The thesarus aspect - which I'm not even show how that could be done - would just be to assist mod authors in getting the right tag for their mod (i.e. they want to add 'house' as a tag, and it shows them 'player home' as the correct tag for that).




I'm not sure if this has already been thought up, or if it's not fleshed out enough to work - just my thoughts on a possible solution.

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This is actually a pretty good idea. Maybe make it a collapsible small footer that is persistent on mod pages. Similar to how the cookie agreement pops up.


If the layout allows it, maybe you can have a short vertical list on the right side of the mod description instead. Kind of like how YouTube has it. It would definitely be in an area where people are pretty comfortable in finding recommended mods. Maybe even put a section where it randomly shows another mod from the same author. :)

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