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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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I have noticed a recurring trend with all the chatter both encouraging and vitriolic. As you all know, Windows 10 is out and experiencing some of the very same difficulties, by updating to the new OS using that old gremlin autoupdate. I have installed Windows 10 some 20 times and have been witness to total loss of all of a users data. Windows 10, as Well as the NMM update, carries the exact same caveat:


When going from an old version to a new version of ANY SOFTWARE without BACKING UP YOUR STUFF is like sticking your hand into the fire and expecting not to get burned, completely mental.


As far as NMM is concerned and Skyrim in particular, Make a new folder, preferably on a different drive and copy the following folders (that's copy not move) common, NMM, and My Games. You do not need to copy the steam folder. This will allow you to put everything back to where it was, hampered only by the speed of your drive. I adopted this regimen after the very first Steam update bricked my game.


I also think that Dark0ne should make sure a prominent Warning is displayed with a check box to be ticked, before NMM continues with the install process. Something along the lines of:


"WARNING" BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR GAME BEFORE UPDATING check the box if you have read and understand.


Do I think this will make much of a difference, no, it seems that many people tend to click first and engage brain second.


If you think the vitriolic comments are reserved for NMM just go the Windows 10 forums.


Still love the work by the meager NMM crew.

Edited by Roguespear
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I initially had problems with the new version. I sent an error report, but I'm not sure how much it will help because I did this four days ago and can't remember many of the details. Overall, 0.60 did not "break my game" like a lot of people are claiming. What happened is that most of my mods did not reinstall, even though NMM said that they did. Though it took a long time with 100+ mods, manually uninstalling and reinstalling each one fixed the problem. I think I had to completely re-download like ten or twelve mods, which honestly didn't take that long. I was able to get it back to working condition in one night.


I wouldn't be too discouraged about the "hate" you are receiving from people. Remember that the people who are satisfied (the great majority) in general are going to be silent and not comment at all. Often (and unfortunately) people are only prompted to comment when something doesn't work or they are angry or frustrated. Overall, NMM is a very good program and I'm very glad it exists. It has saved me probably hundreds of hours of individual installing, trialing, and tweaking of mods, so I am not at all irritated at the loss of several hours from having to adapt to a new version. I think most people feel the same, even if they do not comment.

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If you look down at my sig there is a line that says

"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you went after."

This is not new, it has been a part of my sig for a long time. Experience is what you got from this. Experience is never cheap, but this time it is actually very inexpensive in real world terms. You have a problem with a game :rolleyes: This is not life threating nor is it going to cost you any money. What did you learn ( experience) - BACK UP first, always back up anything you consider important and keep the back up up to date. Not having a recent back up is ALWAYS your own fault. The excuse I hear most often is "But I just don't have the time to back up stuff." - Why? Because you are too busy checking facebook, watching silly You tube videos and playing a game. :psyduck: Too busy to do something that is actually important? :whistling: There is nothing wrong with these activities, but there are some important things that you need to do first. Unless you want to pay for that experience with the time you thought you would be playing games.


The second excuse "It's too Hard!" Is it harder than reinstalling 400 mods? Or losing your companies entire financial records for the last year? :blink: BACK UP - NOW!!! Put down the facebook and backup. NOW, later may be too late. Or at least accept responsibility for not doing something that is considered common sense in the real world.


Another line in my sig is"

"When all else fails - Read the directions. (RTFM) "


Read the directions. Always read the directions before starting. Reading them after you have failed to follow them isn't going to help. Even if you think you are so smart you don't need no stinking instructions. By not reading you are showing you are not as smart as you think you are. Often things are not quite as straightforward as they look at first, and reading those instructions can save you a lot of time an grief - and later in life, a lot of money as well. So RTFM, Every time, even if you think you already know what they say things may have changed since the last time. More cheap experience - if you are willing to learn from mistakes. :yes:


We all make mistakes. Some of us learn from our mistakes - and some would rather blame someone else. :facepalm:

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Updating went quite well....

Only one weird thing : altough installed SkyUI wasnt recognized, but deleting and reinstalling the mod solved the problem.

Also had to put my manual changes back into the game folder but that was already stated in the warning tekst.


After all that the game runs exactly as before the update.


So: besides the fact that SkyUI wasn't recognized : thumbs up guys !

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Update went fine, except I had to reinstall all 100+ of my mods, resulting in forcing me to begin a new game. I probably didn't "need" to restart my character, but previous experiences have told me not starting anew usually results in significant issues going forward.


I'm not upset though, just an excuse to start a new character.


I would say: it wasn't clear from the prompted update that the update was any different from monthly or so updates you guys put out. I've never had to uninstall my mods to install an update. This new update did not make it clear, until after the fact, that I would need to uninstall all mods.


Going forward, it may be prudent to make that clear to users so that they can make an informed decision.

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Hate mail is an unfortunate side-effect of the online age, where manners are as rare as entitlement is rampant. You and your colleagues do a fine job. And I have nothing but thanks for helping to make great games better. Ignore the ignorant and carry on. Thank you again!
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In response to post #28851564.

tellias wrote: Update went fine, except I had to reinstall all 100+ of my mods, resulting in forcing me to begin a new game. I probably didn't "need" to restart my character, but previous experiences have told me not starting anew usually results in significant issues going forward.

I'm not upset though, just an excuse to start a new character.

I would say: it wasn't clear from the prompted update that the update was any different from monthly or so updates you guys put out. I've never had to uninstall my mods to install an update. This new update did not make it clear, until after the fact, that I would need to uninstall all mods.

Going forward, it may be prudent to make that clear to users so that they can make an informed decision.

I had to reinstall about the same amount of mods as well, but was able to get my 400+ hour, heavily-modded character saves working fine after full reinstalls and re-tweaking the load order. It might take a few hours, but it can be done. I actually enjoy tweaking and problem solving, so it didn't bother me much.
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Uhhh... the problem is pretty simple: The vast majority of users make changes to the mods, use certain options offered by the mods and in many cases they select case by case where a mod files should be replaced by the mod being installed (the NMM helps a lot on this). And if the NMM 0.60 removes all the mods and then attempt to reinstall them all automatically, all these customizations are lost.
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