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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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Sadly my mods got messed up really badly by the update, despite everything saying it went over smoothly. But reading the article it sounds like it was a necessary evil, so I don't mind clearing them out completely and reinstalling it all. I'm certainly not gonna take it out on the staff who is only trying to ultimately provide a better product.
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In response to post #28798264. #28798484 is also a reply to the same post.

Mofakin wrote: Death threats? I'm not surprised...I'm not surprised at all. And people wonder why Mod authors demand measures to filter certain users.

If I were part of the Nexus team I would send any death thread to the local police. People seem to miss the fact that your ip can easiyl be tracked down be the police if they deem they have reason enough to do it. And yes, death threats seem valid.
aramil31 wrote: Thing is, if you receive a death threat, talking about it is one of the biggest things you SHOULDN'T do. If you think that the threat is legitimate, you take it to law enforcement and keep quiet about it. DOn't give the person sending threats attention.

Even if you think it's not serious, going public about it and complaining only serves the goal of the person sending the threats, which is to intimidate and bother the recipient.

Also, I tend to take a dim view of people who go public with receiving death threats online, since its not something you should be doing, as I said above, and it's also an effective way to garner sympathy and suppress dissent. Countless times I've seen someone do something stupid and get called out on it, only for them to say "I got death threats" and a bunch of people leap to their defense to say "so what if they screwed up, that's no excuse for death threats!". Basically, using the threats as a distraction and to discredit critics.

In no way am I saying that this was the goal of the Nexus in publicizing the threats, but they are following a pattern of behavior that could very easily lead to that sort of thing. Already seeing some of the "defenders" showing up.

I'm really puzzled about how deep some Mod users passion for playing Skyrim with Mods goes...death threats for messing up load order? Get over it, there's thousands of games, return if you feel you're over it and continue...where's the problem?

I mean, being pissed because a tool messes up your load order is one thing, but getting furious because of such trivial matters? What happens if those people get in real trouble? We're facing a third world war then?

Edit: Honestly, without hurting anyone, but this reminds me of the angry german youtube kid that isn't allowed to play UT2004. Edited by Mofakin
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I'm one of the unlucky ones that got over 50 mods in Fallout: New Vegas completely removed. I was pretty far in the game, too, and this was my most perfect playthrough...


I have no problem re-installing ALL of my mods and restarting the game... again (heavy sigh), but that doesn't mean I won't voice my concern over this. Those mods and this playthrough have really been the most optimal I can get and all the mods make the game 300% better. With that said, it also took me countless hours to find, install, activate, test, restart and test again, and actually PLAY with all these mods in. Kind of disappoints me.


I'm not going to send a death threat or an insult because NMM is an incredible tool and makes me feel like I'm actually in control of what gets added into my game. The new update has some really cool features and I'm glad they are added, but it just makes me a little mad that I have to go and re-do weeks of work. Normally, it'd take me a few hours, but with college and potential jobs, it was stretched to weeks.


Keep doing good things out there, Nexus, but I would greatly appreciate it if more caution was taken. I'm not a programmer, but I know that programming can be a painstakingly long process. Thank you.

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In response to post #28798264. #28798484, #28798609 are all replies on the same post.

Mofakin wrote: Death threats? I'm not surprised...I'm not surprised at all. And people wonder why Mod authors demand measures to filter certain users.

If I were part of the Nexus team I would send any death thread to the local police. People seem to miss the fact that your ip can easiyl be tracked down be the police if they deem they have reason enough to do it. And yes, death threats seem valid.
aramil31 wrote: Thing is, if you receive a death threat, talking about it is one of the biggest things you SHOULDN'T do. If you think that the threat is legitimate, you take it to law enforcement and keep quiet about it. DOn't give the person sending threats attention.

Even if you think it's not serious, going public about it and complaining only serves the goal of the person sending the threats, which is to intimidate and bother the recipient.

Also, I tend to take a dim view of people who go public with receiving death threats online, since its not something you should be doing, as I said above, and it's also an effective way to garner sympathy and suppress dissent. Countless times I've seen someone do something stupid and get called out on it, only for them to say "I got death threats" and a bunch of people leap to their defense to say "so what if they screwed up, that's no excuse for death threats!". Basically, using the threats as a distraction and to discredit critics.

In no way am I saying that this was the goal of the Nexus in publicizing the threats, but they are following a pattern of behavior that could very easily lead to that sort of thing. Already seeing some of the "defenders" showing up.
Mofakin wrote: I'm really puzzled about how deep some Mod users passion for playing Skyrim with Mods goes...death threats for messing up load order? Get over it, there's thousands of games, return if you feel you're over it and continue...where's the problem?

I mean, being pissed because a tool messes up your load order is one thing, but getting furious because of such trivial matters? What happens if those people get in real trouble? We're facing a third world war then?

Edit: Honestly, without hurting anyone, but this reminds me of the angry german youtube kid that isn't allowed to play UT2004.

Wow people are giving death threats over this NMM patch? I dunno if I would go that far but its hella frustrating!! Was a couple hours into a new game and went to dload this new NMM to check my load order and it completly screwed me over. Can't play the game now and have to fix it all and start over !!!!

IT was unclear what option to choose as all I wanted to do was get back in my game but somthing got screwed up and now I have to rebuild my friggin game. I'm SOOOO mad I want to punch a kitten!

Death threats are over the line though, even if I spent a week carefully crafting my skyrim game to do a 3rd play though WHILE hevavily moding my mods!

However, I don't wish harm on anyone but maybe someone should be fired? I'd be happy with that. This is just rediculous!

Why didn't we get a warning before we got the install promt?!?!?!? Once you install it, its game over if you are a mod enthusiest! !!1

However, if you do just regular mods with JUST NMM it doesn't really effect you much , so alot of people will say w/e. But if yer like me and want to have this one mod, but parts of another mod, and you combine them... then this update totally screws you over!
Edited by ds777
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I installed the new Nmm update, this update uninstalled and reinstalled all the mods i have, now i cant even start the game, it crashes without a notification.

I tried uninstalling all the mods (ALL the mods) and it still wont start


Even with all mods uninstalled the game doesnt work


Will deleting the mods help or do i have to wait for a fix?


I use windows 7 and before the update everything worked flawlessly

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Dear Dark One:


Sometimes, I think it is difficult to see the forest because all the trees are in the way. I just read your post above, and would like to offer you a different perspective- MY perspective as a long-time Nexus fan (I have been using my husband's account for years and only recently established my own Nexus account.)


You said you were surprised that so many people just blindly accepted the NMM upgrade. This is because over the years, NMM has been largely stable and trouble-free, and a tremendous help to us in managing our mods- and much more user-friendly than MO. Each upgrade has been an improvement over the previous version, and we have received upgrades quite frequently. In other words, based on years of good releases, we trusted you, your expertise and your "product." Based on that trust, when NMM said an upgrade was available, we didn't think twice: click, click, clicketty-click. The outrage now is largely because you betrayed our trust with NMM 0.6.


You said that there were warnings in the new version that should have tipped us off that this upgrade was dangerous (my paraphrasing). You're exactly right: the warnings were IN THE NEW VERSION and came only after it was far too late to back out of the upgrade- our Skyrim was already bricked by the time we got the warnings. As someone posted in the Boo thread, the warnings are on the inside of the can. The only choices at that point were [No] or [Cancel] and manually install all your mods (because NMM has already trashed them) or [Yes] to continue and let NMM *try* to fix your system. Epic fail. The warning should have been BEFORE IT WAS TOO LATE TO BACK OUT AND LEAVE OUR PAINSTAKINGLY-ASSEMBLED AND NURTURED WORKING GAME INSTALLATION INTACT. However, in all fairness, even had I received clear warnings of the impending destruction in time to leave my system intact, I probably would've clicked [YES] anyway because I trusted you and never imagined you folks would unleash something so destructive on your fans and supporters. Only in hindsight did it become clear to me what I should have done. The warning should, at the very least, have been clearer about the imminent destruction and included a strong recommendation to quit NMM now and back up our entire game installation.


You said in the Boo thread, sarcastically, "...or you could go here [link] for help" but the "here" is undocumented, not linked to from anywhere that I can find, not returned in a Google search for "Nexus Mod Manager Support" and particularly not conspicuously linked to from within the NMM interface as far as I can see (Of course, I have never needed NMM support before, so I have not searched diligently for a support link within NMM, and based on what it just did to me, there is no way I'm going to open NMM 0.6 ever again in my lifetime.) Especially with a "potentially destructive release" like NMM 0.60 that deliberately destroys our working game installation and *hopes to* reconstruct it but has ZERO revert or undo capability, there should have been before-the-destruction warnings. On a so-called "beta" product (0.60 acted more like a pre-alpha release, but I digress), there should be a conspicuous [sUPPORT] button on the NMM Header. We are merely users. We do not spend all day, every day, dealing with The Nexus and/or Nexus Mod Manager. How are we supposed to know about hidden "support" forums when they are not conspicuously linked to from Nexus mod pages and/or the Nexus Forums pages, and not returned in Google searches using the logical search terms?


You seem to be complaining that nobody read the "Site News." Where is that? Even when you mentioned it in your post here, you did not provide a link to it. There is no [sITE NEWS] button on this page's header frame, nor is there a "Site News" sticky at http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?. Again, we don't spend all day every day here, and don't know where to go for what unless someone who DOES spend all day every day here helps us by providing conspicuous links.


So, half a day after the rogue NMM update acted like malware and destroyed my Skyrim installation with no way to opt out of it until it was already too late and no revert or undo function whatsoever, I STILL do not know how to reach the alleged page that details a recovery process. All I know for sure is that you think these things should be obvious to your users and supporters- but they are not only not obvious, they seem to have been hidden by design- otherwise there would be conspicuous links to them everywhere on the Nexus.


Hope this helps clear up some of your bafflement regarding the reasons for the uproar, confusion and outrage resulting from the NMM 0.6 disaster. I, personally, feel blindsided and betrayed by an old friend. It would really be great if you could stop developing NMM for a few days and write a recovery tool to help those of us whose games you trashed revert to the pre-NMM 0.60 condition.

Edited by Vyxenne
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In response to post #28797534. #28797764 is also a reply to the same post.

silfo2015 wrote: Sorry to post this here but I don't seem to be able to use the bug tracker.

I installed version 60.3. I like having the links to LOOT, BOSS, and FNIS built in. And I think I will generally like it when all's done.

Here's what seems to be my current stumbling block: FNIS stops running with "ERROR(76): Could not find a part of the path 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx"

I looked in my files and saw the folder "character assets" is not included in the folder "character" but when I fix that and run FNIS again I get a different error message referring to the same file in another location. So, I gave up since I really don't know what I'm doing. But that's where I'm currently stopped.

Just thought I'd let you know the status over here. Thanks for the work you're doing.
aramil31 wrote: I think this new version is installing files in a different location by default, I had to manually set it to install them in the "Data" folder.

I also had to delete every mod and reinstall them from the archives because of that new file location, I was getting the same sorts of errors as you got.

@aramil31 So there is an option to switch back to installing mods directly to a games folder? That makes me feel a whole lot better. I will probably make backups of my game installs and plugin lists and give it a try now. I've been asking about this for a while and nobody had answered. Thank you for your comment, and kudos to you. =)
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In response to post #28798264. #28798484, #28798609, #28799004 are all replies on the same post.

Mofakin wrote: Death threats? I'm not surprised...I'm not surprised at all. And people wonder why Mod authors demand measures to filter certain users.

If I were part of the Nexus team I would send any death thread to the local police. People seem to miss the fact that your ip can easiyl be tracked down be the police if they deem they have reason enough to do it. And yes, death threats seem valid.
aramil31 wrote: Thing is, if you receive a death threat, talking about it is one of the biggest things you SHOULDN'T do. If you think that the threat is legitimate, you take it to law enforcement and keep quiet about it. DOn't give the person sending threats attention.

Even if you think it's not serious, going public about it and complaining only serves the goal of the person sending the threats, which is to intimidate and bother the recipient.

Also, I tend to take a dim view of people who go public with receiving death threats online, since its not something you should be doing, as I said above, and it's also an effective way to garner sympathy and suppress dissent. Countless times I've seen someone do something stupid and get called out on it, only for them to say "I got death threats" and a bunch of people leap to their defense to say "so what if they screwed up, that's no excuse for death threats!". Basically, using the threats as a distraction and to discredit critics.

In no way am I saying that this was the goal of the Nexus in publicizing the threats, but they are following a pattern of behavior that could very easily lead to that sort of thing. Already seeing some of the "defenders" showing up.
Mofakin wrote: I'm really puzzled about how deep some Mod users passion for playing Skyrim with Mods goes...death threats for messing up load order? Get over it, there's thousands of games, return if you feel you're over it and continue...where's the problem?

I mean, being pissed because a tool messes up your load order is one thing, but getting furious because of such trivial matters? What happens if those people get in real trouble? We're facing a third world war then?

Edit: Honestly, without hurting anyone, but this reminds me of the angry german youtube kid that isn't allowed to play UT2004.
ds777 wrote: Wow people are giving death threats over this NMM patch? I dunno if I would go that far but its hella frustrating!! Was a couple hours into a new game and went to dload this new NMM to check my load order and it completly screwed me over. Can't play the game now and have to fix it all and start over !!!!

IT was unclear what option to choose as all I wanted to do was get back in my game but somthing got screwed up and now I have to rebuild my friggin game. I'm SOOOO mad I want to punch a kitten!

Death threats are over the line though, even if I spent a week carefully crafting my skyrim game to do a 3rd play though WHILE hevavily moding my mods!

However, I don't wish harm on anyone but maybe someone should be fired? I'd be happy with that. This is just rediculous!

Why didn't we get a warning before we got the install promt?!?!?!? Once you install it, its game over if you are a mod enthusiest! !!1

However, if you do just regular mods with JUST NMM it doesn't really effect you much , so alot of people will say w/e. But if yer like me and want to have this one mod, but parts of another mod, and you combine them... then this update totally screws you over!

A Modder is permanently fixing the game to his and others liking...do you even recon that? I spend at least 1-2 hours a week fixing my load orders when doing beta tests with and without my modlist. I'm so used to doing this I manage to de- and reinstall Skyrim and all of my 125+ Mods, including sorting and cleaning, in less then two hours, though sometimes the download takes longer then expected because of Steam.

People need to learn what they are dealing with when giving into using Mods, specially of they use a huge Mod list. I'd claim Mod using equal to Mod creation when counting tools involved, time sink and nerves lost. I can't even remember how often I got pissed because of using third party tools messing up my game, hence why I'm trying to use only those I really need and doing the rest manually. If I mess things up I at least know which person I have to smash in the face...:)
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