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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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The other thing I note is, that while yes I accept there was a red warning in the install message, I can't remember what the last update I did looked like, so for all I remember there was a red warning in those too. (I am assuming there wasn't).


Which is why I think people should have been forced to come to the nexus website to install the update or had some sort of window pop up that shouts "this may cause problems with your install" and a 30 second count down timer or some such. Versions that cause significant changes need something that alters the basic install method to prompt people to realise something is different.


*obligatory raging message here*

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Well I give it a try this morning to know if I encountered the same issues as others, but it worked perfectly for me.


I checked the files which contained my three characters and no problems there.


I was "afraid" of the consequence but I don't mind if after the udpate I have to manually install mods. It is not the first time I have done it, especially with my new computer.


Anyway, it runs the game smoothly as usual so I have nothing to complain about. So thanks guys :).


P.S. Sorry if my English is not perfect, I'm a french guy.

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Works perfectly for me. NMM is a very great job, I use it since a lot of years.. It has become essential for me.

Thanks you.


I'm sometimes annoyed by the columns

perhaps in a next update the possibility to move columns/change columns order

"version" and "latest version" before "categorie" for example.

thank you

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In response to post #28810964. #28812259, #28813564 are all replies on the same post.

archerarcher wrote: Profiling ist the reason why I EVER WILL AVOID Mod Organizer.

I am sure many pepole think like me and.

So I think to make our beloved NMM handling mod files the way MO does is the wrong way.

So the only hope is to await a mod manager for Fallout 4 that isn't using profiling.

Sorry, but I am very disappointed.
PeterMartyr wrote: Confused, ////Er, how can you have a Opinion on something THAT YOU NEVER USED.
archerarcher wrote: Let me correct my word:
I've given MO a try, so I HAVE USED it before.

Will gladly say that I didn't upgrade to the new version, so might be a bit behind here. But would it make a difference to have a profil or just a normal install? Just don't change profile and it would be the same right?
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In response to post #28805459. #28807169, #28807474, #28807489, #28809154, #28809529, #28810269, #28811029, #28812189, #28812314, #28813549, #28819349, #28819809 are all replies on the same post.

Dark0ne wrote: We have just released version 0.60.4 of NMM that has a number of fixes for bugs reported with the help of users using the bug tracker, the list includes:

Fixed issue causing the migration process to be unable to reinstall some mods. Fixed issue preventing NMM from properly handling the load order for Fallout and Oblivion. Fixed issue causing the Morrowind game mode to hang while performing the mod migration. Fixed issue causing the Morrowind game mode to install files in the wrong folder. Fixed issue preventing NMM from automatically retrieve the Morrowind game path during the startup scan. Fixed issue preventing the ReadMe Manager from properly catching readme files. Fixed issue with the Backup file management.

Now waiting on some brave souls to try it.

Squashnoggin wrote: :ohmy: ..Not Me!!!! :teehee:
LazarusGrimm wrote: Brave soul here: Okay... So... uhm... is there like... a reason for why the speed to delete a mod has been decreased with about 500%? Took me over an hour just to uninstall and delete Raven Castle, while in previous versions it took about 4 - 5 minutes.
Hiwatcher1 wrote: Trying it now. Tried 60.3 last night and it seems to lock up on "overhaul" mods. Crossing my fingers.

Update: Locked up on "Complete Crafting Overhaul". Downloaded NMM 56.1 from my downloads file and game works(so far).
Majic7 wrote: Blindly up-dated to 60.3 yesterday, just clicked buttons. After up-dating Skyrim wouldn't open. NMM showed all 68 mods activated but it wouldn't run, even after re-installing Skyrim and starting over from the beginning. Had to de-activate all mods and re-activate them. Then I could restart the game from the beginning. Today I tried 60.4 on Morrowind and it worked fine. No fiddling around, just worked. 90 mods.
lexx005 wrote: Just updated to 0.60.4 without any issues, but there was no migration process since i had already updated to 0.60.3 yesterday, it just updated the version of NMM.
Squashnoggin wrote: In THAT case..
Squashy was afraid it would be another 'fresh start' type deal. If it's just a standard Nexus "worry-free" update, then, mayybee.. ;)
spiritwolf1 wrote: I used it and maybe I don't understand how it works or something , but all the mods it migrated never showed in my load order. I just reverted back to older version and reloaded new game, it seems to be the best solution for me. I am not blaming anybody for it not working for me. I tried using Mod organizer that was recommended also, and never had any clue how it works. I used obmm( tesmm) before NMM . which had some functions that NMM doesn't have, but I have learned other ways of doing the same thing with tes5edit. I would use NMM 0.60 , if there is a read me file to teach me how it works or a step by step video like the ones Gopher used to make, because they make it easier for me to learn how to use the programs.
hyp3rstrike wrote: Trying it. I've just fresh installed Skyrim.
mwhenry16 wrote: I'm blindly brave in the sense that I'm of the click it and hope crowd, with no tech experience at all. I just like things to work. That being said, I clicked on the update, and after 10 minutes it was all over, and my 50 some mods worked, and Skyrim didn't crash. And that on a Mac running a windows partition. Go figure. Blind luck I bet. I knew I was taking a chance, and I wouldn't have enjoyed spending several hours trying to reconstruct mods, or even to get the game to run.

I have to agree with folks that just because you have big red warning signs, doesn't absolve responsibility. In this day and age an "update" is oft times either immediately necessary, or the user sees the writing on the wall. Perhaps a great deal of what to do before you update to protect your game would have been in order.
Theseus12 wrote: considering my laptop refreshed, all my mods are already uninstalled. So what have I to fear?
dallesse wrote: "Brave souls"... I'm so flattered, Dark One! I'm glad you continue to pay attention to what I have to say. Borrowing my words is a compliment. ;)
dvergenlied wrote: Just updated from 56.1 to 60.4. I had previously tried 60.0 and .1, and decided that I wasn't ready to fight with it. I haven't the time now, but will dig a little deeper later. However, at first glance, nearly half my load order doesn't look like it was able to be reinstalled. I'm not sure if this is tied to my previous install, since my previous attempts at creating profiles were there when I went from 56 to 60.4, or if it is something deeper in the code. I think I'll probably have to do a clean install. This isn't necessarily a bad thing for me, since I've not changed some things in a VERY long time. Just a pain. I do recall feeling like 60 was not as intuitive for me as the previous versions were, and reminded me why I didn't want to mess with MO. Life happens, though, right. If anything terribly bad sticks out, I'll let y'all know. Kindly. I promise.

As a self proclaimed tester of every mod that I have time for and that fits into my game at the time, I would be happy to push that load NMM v6.4 button, except that I do not see a line here stating;

Fixed issue preventing NMM from properly migrating executable files upon upgrade.

Happy to say that your NMM v0.60.2 is working well for me.

We all have learned here and I still need to emphasize that this should be on a mod page publication and your last version of NMM 56. be the one on the NMM download page.

Thanks also for the paragraph stating that the update mechanism in NMM had been inadvertently DDoSing your web servers with the sheer number of people logging in to and using NMM. At this point I think we all needed a good chuckle. It is a shame about that though, a fix on that auto update feature would have not only staved off your server upgrade for a while but it might have been the culprit of why I have so many files with duplicate names in my old computer.

Edited by 0nelazyBattlemaga
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In response to post #28817919.

Losse wrote: It wouldnt let me select a non C drive for my final directory, I guess since i didnt run the install as administrator? So I had to uninstall everything and then I go in to pick the directory but the option isnt even there in the i nstalled program. So you can only pick the new directory during install?

The reason this is an issue is that I keep NMM and mods on my data drive and not on my SSD.

You can switch the VirtualInstall folder options later at any time. Just click on "Tools" and say "Change Virtual folders". Had to search for it first, but there had to be an option and I quickly found it.
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ou god, you broke my game, some of my mods needed to reinstall, and some others to redownload, i lost my save and my time, the upgrade was great, but my mods turn into garbage, now i need to reinstall all, so sad, have a nice day and i hope you to survive the detah threads jajaja
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