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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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I see a lot of come-backs from you (Nexus) proclaiming innocence and wildly waving towards words like "beta" and various warnings you think we should have read.


Bollocks. We all have a history of NMM updating, and I can't remember any real problems before - THAT'S why a lot of us went ahead and let the update do the unthinkable, even after thinking twice about it. And that same "lot" have paid the price for whatever amateur you let loose on this good idea,


It's almost as if you don't really understand the complexity of some of the mods you're hosting - to think that a batch uninstall & then reinstall would work without incident. You also don't seem to understand the care we take when using NMM and the mods we want running smoothly in our game.


Whatever moron (or group of morons who) came up with this deserves a P45. (that's a termination of employment notice over here in Ireland / UK)


P.S. Forgot to mention. Tried reinstalling everything. Still wouldn't load the save. Now restarted in Helgen, using NMM 0.60.latest. Working fine, and loading mods. Just to highlight that my complaint is with the ludicrous mod transfer process in the update.

Edited by davoshannon
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In response to post #28847349.

psychocyclonus wrote: The worst update to anything I have ever seen. The fact that it isn't as simple as reinstalling mods as to get them in the precise order you installed them to include the correct overight such as texture mods is almost impossible to remember. ridicules.

Yes Ive had problems with this myself. I dont have many texture mods but I reinstalled the ones I have in the correct order and this NPC at the Mage College got her face back
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When I read that the new Version need to install everything new I stopped it and installed the old version again. NMM only worked as easy way to download and install mods. But even within the ~60 mods I used in Morrowind I had to resort them with a other tool, check for conflicts and remove part of the installed mods without complete disable the mod. (NMM just copy all data and activate all esp/ esm even if they are optional or one have to select only one)

So a new install of the mods is a 100% sure way to break the game I current play.

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In response to post #28848984.

Skydude3 wrote: i dont see how people are having problems i have an enb many texture mods and 143 plugins and they were uninstalled and reinstalled without issue, my game doesnt even crash on startup

yeah, I guess that not seeing what could be wrong is just what leads to this kind of disaster. Because for sure, if you are using simple, straight forward mods, it's probably ok.

But if you start to cook your own setup, with parts of mods, compatibility patch, edited esp (for fonctionnalites or translation), then beware: everything will be gone for good, you will have to start over from scratch.
4 years of trust just gone in a snap.
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I'm going to wait a bit. Tried the new update, and it did completely destroy my game. I, however, am a computer expert if you will and had the forethought to back everything up, so I just reverted back to previous NMM version and re-installed my mods (194) and am rolling on. Yes, cost me a few hours of tinkering but that's what modding is essentially about right? Messing with your game and it's files to achieve something.


So, all in all, love the work you do, but must ask this one question of you all at "Nexus": Why the continued updates to NMM? I am happy to see them but must wonder if it isn't broke...why mess with it? Skyrim is what? 4 years old? I've seen very stable NMM versions yet wonder why the need to continue to attempt improvements to it at all? NOT that I'm against it at all (and I'm a paid supporter of this site so I'm glad to see my investment being utilized by continued improvements) but I'd say, in my own opinion, get a stable and good version of NMM working for Skyrim then leave it be. Seems you'd encounter less headache that way.

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I don't get why the update DELETED my esp ?!

I've lost FNV and skyrim


It's near impossible to remember all the mods i've installed, i will probably never play at this games again and wait for F4, thx to nexus


fact is: the update deleted my esp and I never saw any message telling me that.

Only that I would have to check on esps ...


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My install went well. I did lose some mods but hey nothing I couldn't fix myself.


Being a computer programmer I know what a major change this was for you guys.

You did better than my work would have done and I work for a Major global OEM car part manufacturer


Considering the daunting task you had, you guys did good. You can not test for EVERYTHING that can go wrong in the lab.


And hey members IT'S ONLY A GAME not your financial records or payroll department.


Kudos to your staff.




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