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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28858694.

mciann wrote: Downgrading does not seem to be straightforward at all. The most recent previous version of NMM I could find was .53. I tried to find .56.1 and could not. The link provided above points to the 0.60 release announcement.

On the page the link opens scroll down to the bottom of the page and open the "Spoiler" box. The 56.1 download is located there.
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In response to post #28849534.

cascadesbiker wrote: I notice that with some of the older mods in the past there would be a pop up menu when I activate then which gives me choices for patches and various esps to install. This doesnt pop up anymore for the mods I redid this morning.

You have to delete them and reacquire them to make the script execute. If you have room drag a copy of your mod folder to the desktop or your preferred area then use the add from file button to reinstall them. deleting them will remove them from your nexus mods folder and you will have to re-download them otherwise.

As far as I can tell ALL of my scripted install mods barfed on the conversion. The ones that looked to be OK were often missing textures which I found when playing later. Depending on how many mods you have you may or may not remember all of them you need to look at ;)
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In response to post #28858874. #28859009 is also a reply to the same post.

basshead64 wrote: I downloaded a new mod and when i activated it, i got a red circle with a slash through it rather than a check mark. what does this mean?
basshead64 wrote: It won't let me activate

https://puu.sh/kibKP/47bf7026f9.png what am I doing wrong Edited by basshead64
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I must file a Complain... After reading a lot of whining about this or that doesn't work anymore and NMM team has RUINED their life and game... I cannot find any fault to this upgrade... Everything works smoothly :tongue: Propably because i've been on the bandwagon since released sometime this spring... Hehe. Now when 60.5 is out i think i might hazard a profile switch again. That was not so stable before. Or i may wait with that until i'm done with my ongoing playthrough. Anyway, you've got my standing ovations and thanx for making my Skyrim experience so utterly epic. / Slaintë me lads and lasses.

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In response to post #28858874. #28859009 is also a reply to the same post.



basshead64 wrote: I downloaded a new mod and when i activated it, i got a red circle with a slash through it rather than a check mark. what does this mean?


basshead64 wrote: It won't let me activate

https://puu.sh/kibKP/47bf7026f9.png what am I doing wrong


Umm... That's a wee bit short of info about what's ailing your Mod. What if you rightclick and what choices do you get? That seems to me as it is installed but not activated. What error message do you get? have you tried to erase and DL again?

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In response to post #28849534. #28859204 is also a reply to the same post.

cascadesbiker wrote: I notice that with some of the older mods in the past there would be a pop up menu when I activate then which gives me choices for patches and various esps to install. This doesnt pop up anymore for the mods I redid this morning.
geknight wrote: You have to delete them and reacquire them to make the script execute. If you have room drag a copy of your mod folder to the desktop or your preferred area then use the add from file button to reinstall them. deleting them will remove them from your nexus mods folder and you will have to re-download them otherwise.

As far as I can tell ALL of my scripted install mods barfed on the conversion. The ones that looked to be OK were often missing textures which I found when playing later. Depending on how many mods you have you may or may not remember all of them you need to look at ;)

This is covered in the FAQ. Look at the answer to "Q. I can no longer interact with mods that have scripted installers after I've installed them. How do I redo the options?".
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I downloaded the new version yesterday. Downloaded a couple of mods, then ran LOOT and Patchus Maximus. No fuss, no bother, no crash, and today all my mods updated successfully (running 152 mods as of today). I haven't tried switching profiles yet but that's coming soon. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!
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