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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28860284. #28881684, #28883389, #28883474, #28891134, #28891709, #28896439 are all replies on the same post.

Elianora wrote: What I don't get it that.. I started fresh. No mods installed. I deleted my InstallInfo before I updated. I made a clean Skyrim\Data folder. This left the mods I have into the NMM Mods tab but all inactivate. So I start activating mods. I have only vanilla game + all DLC addons, SkyUI and iHUD and our new quest mod, and I crash at main menu.

Do I really need to redownload all my mod files, some of which are custom made packages for my own backups?
geknight wrote: Hey there..... Many mods, virtually ALL scripted installs are barfing on the conversion. To make them work properly you must DELETE them and REACQUIRE them - either from a download or from a backup copy of your NMM mods folder that you should make BEFORE you start. (The delete will erase the 7zip from your computer). when you do this the scripted install will function and it will work properly.

Otherwise the "file links" that they are trying to implement will lead to nowhere. I was trying to add some custom body stuff to a couple of my favorite NPC mods and actually hung explorer.exe up because it couldn't find its targets. LOL I'm still seeing occasional purple textures and floating polygons 3 days later (176 mods installed) :D. Far as I can tell, the two mods of yours I'm using ported fine, but then you don't seem to script your installs....

Good luck wrestling the bear ;)
DrakeTheDragon wrote: Are you sure you had to "delete" them? I only "uninstalled" them, the right-click action that was documented to become necessary above and inside the NMM again. Then when I "activated" them again, they "reinstalled" and the scripted installers popped up just as they should have. At least I for one didn't have to re-"download" even 1 single archive so far, for what it's worth.

Only thing I could wish for now would be some way to "merge" or "anneal" personal changes of mine into the packages stored inside the mods folder. I think it did something along that line when it created the backup profile for quick restore after a failed conversion, but I'm not seeing any option to do that whenever I feel like it up to now.

I'm used to loosing personal changes whenever I, for one reason or another, need to reinstall a package sometimes. So a way to just "introduce" the changes done right into the archives at one point would sure be of massive help with this in future reinstalls.
Elianora wrote: I just cut and pasted the mods folder to "Skyrim - backup" within NMM folder and restarted NMM, dragged all the mods from the backup folder to the Mods tab in NMM, activated them. All work perfectly. In the process of making profiles :) Takes a bit of getting used to how it handles the actual Data files, but all is great so far :)
geknight wrote: Drake the FOMODs did not port right and to get them to execute I had to delete them and reacquire as described. there is a .6 out and I'm gonna load it now to see if this is fixed but the issue was still there as of .5 . So far I haven't encountered problems EXCEPT with FOMODS. Maybe it's fixed. The thread on this issue got cleaned and locked shortly after I reported the bug this AM. Seems the old hands like me (plays much, posts seldom :) ) are spending our time getting the game put back together than reporting bugs. But for me, the reacquire strategy is a usable workaround and fixes the problem when nothing else would work at all.
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Good luck with getting different profiles to work....still having issues with that! If you do figure it out give us a quick shout on how you got it to work please!
geknight wrote: I'm not gonna touch profiling till they get this FOMOD issue corralled. When I tried to go back to my backup after the initial conversion it left out so many files that it was worse than before.

NOTE: I installed .6 just a bit ago and using the button on the bar only disables the mod, and re-enabling won't trigger the script but when you right click it's name to uninstall then reinstalling the mod will get your script to run. This difference from the old was rather not obvious at first and might have been why myself and others were having trouble getting FOMODs to reinstall normally.

They say that is working as intended....just not sure those were very good intentions
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If people are mad, it's there own fault.


The update CLEARLY states that you can choose NOT to update, which also explained how it would "maybe" successfully migrate the mods. It also said you can revert back to the previous one to avoid it for now, and that's what I did. Ultimately problems come from people never reading anything! and just spamming "next" lol.


But on my next format, I'll make the hop. Keep up the good work!

Edited by raidon18
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In response to post #28895009. #28896204 is also a reply to the same post.

vwlouk wrote: At first I thought that the update had bricked my game, and then I realized that I had installed a new mod just prior to the upgrade. Once that was deactivated, the game plays but all female Kajiit have blue faces and some men are surrounded by a red pyramid with a floating hexagon.

Despite these problems, I trust and appreciate the efforts of the Nexus staff in bringing the best content available to the community. Re-installing several mods is an inconvenience, but that is all that it is. Thank you for supporting the community and for all of your hard work.

vwlouk wrote: Just a follow-up, everything seems to be working normally again. Uninstalling and reinstalling the mods was sufficient; I did not have to completely delete and re-download anything. I have 117 mods installed and reinstalling everything took maybe 45 - 60 minutes.
It would have taken less time if I cleaned the junk out of my mods folder; there were several incidences of mods conflicting, and I simply couldn't remember for certain what was enabled or disabled. If I have learned anything, it is to delete unused or conflicting mods completely rather than just inactivating them and make periodic back-ups of my data files.

No harm, no foul. Most of the problems were my own fault for sloppy housekeeping in the data files. Thanks again for your work and help.

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In response to post #28897864.

raidon18 wrote: If people are mad, it's there own fault.

The update CLEARLY states that you can choose NOT to update, which also explained how it would "maybe" successfully migrate the mods. It also said you can revert back to the previous one to avoid it for now, and that's what I did. Ultimately problems come from people never reading anything! and just spamming "next" lol.

But on my next format, I'll make the hop. Keep up the good work!




I chose not to UPDATE. Reverting doesn't help...

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I understood there was risk in loading the new version and had to redo several mods completely and while that is a bit annoying it was not earth shattering. On the other hand I find your comments here exceedingly self serving and arrogant. You are apparently operating under the erroneous assumption that everyone possesses the same level of understanding about mods and loading mods that you do. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are dealing with an audience that varies widely in their knowledge and experience and your attitude appears to be , "oh well just throw them in the deep end ,they'll learn to swim quicker that way" You also are dealing with an audience that is here to better the game they are playing and would like that to be as simple as possible so they can get back to playing the game. You may or may not know your business but this particular episode was not something you'll want to put on your resume. You may have done alpha testing you may not have, aside from your assertion we cannot know for sure. Like it or not you are going to be seen in the same ;light as any organization providing goods and/or services. You will not be trusted to do it right and that will annoy the heck out of people and rightfully so. Attempting to hide behind the "this is a BETA" statement is unprofessional and referring to upset people as the haters just emphasizes your 'holier than thou" attitude. Grow up and admit you put out a flawed product, fix it and get on with life> This diatribe will get you no sympathy.
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In response to post #28901419.

NeoNord wrote: I understood there was risk in loading the new version and had to redo several mods completely and while that is a bit annoying it was not earth shattering. On the other hand I find your comments here exceedingly self serving and arrogant. You are apparently operating under the erroneous assumption that everyone possesses the same level of understanding about mods and loading mods that you do. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are dealing with an audience that varies widely in their knowledge and experience and your attitude appears to be , "oh well just throw them in the deep end ,they'll learn to swim quicker that way" You also are dealing with an audience that is here to better the game they are playing and would like that to be as simple as possible so they can get back to playing the game. You may or may not know your business but this particular episode was not something you'll want to put on your resume. You may have done alpha testing you may not have, aside from your assertion we cannot know for sure. Like it or not you are going to be seen in the same ;light as any organization providing goods and/or services. You will not be trusted to do it right and that will annoy the heck out of people and rightfully so. Attempting to hide behind the "this is a BETA" statement is unprofessional and referring to upset people as the haters just emphasizes your 'holier than thou" attitude. Grow up and admit you put out a flawed product, fix it and get on with life> This diatribe will get you no sympathy.

You may have done alpha testing you may not have, aside from your assertion we cannot know for sure.

Dude, seriously, the alpha has been here since January and was tested by thousands of users : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61952

Edited by Elgar82
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In the announcement you are posting in, they ARE admitting that the new NMM has been less than stellar. No one is denying that. But the only way to fix the problems is if people are willing to actually report to them exactly what is happening, how it happens (as in steps to reproduce the error), and also maybe give some extra background information about your setup (what options you ticked, what you are putting in for the paths, if you are running as an administrator, what .NET Framework you are currently on, etc.).


Pictures of each step you took to reproduce it would be a fantastic help to them, too. (I know I would appreciate it if it were my own program.)


Trace logs (or the lack thereof) can only say so much...and not exactly in the clearest manner that we would like them to be.

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In terms of all the vitriol I just want to say it's working for me.

It is now, however, taking much longer to install/uninstall, even the activation/deactivation of already installed mods is taking somehow longer, even unpacking DL'ed mods now miraculously takes about 20 times longer than it used to.


But it still works, and does nothing to lessen my appreciation of what the team is doing, and for free.

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In response to post #28903649.

Cryczech wrote: In terms of all the vitriol I just want to say it's working for me.
It is now, however, taking much longer to install/uninstall, even the activation/deactivation of already installed mods is taking somehow longer, even unpacking DL'ed mods now miraculously takes about 20 times longer than it used to.

But it still works, and does nothing to lessen my appreciation of what the team is doing, and for free.

It's the contrary for me. Much faster than with 0.56.1. Even packs of textures with a lot of loosing files install faster. I'm using Windows 10 Pro, maybe it's related.
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