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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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So... My savegame is f*#@ed, as I lost most of my items and am having other issues due to mods that needed to be uninstalled in a certain way. So that is a 225 hour game down the tubes. However, I enjoy playing Skyrim, and this gives me a good chance to restart. So no hate... well, maybe just a little, but I will forgive you.
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Not able to use your bug tracker for some reason, so I'm putting my comment here. The major issue for me involves some of the more configuration heavy mods that pop up some type of configuration app during the mod installation. I noticed that while the nmm claimed to have successfully migrated my mods, the game became unplayable. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling all the mods, but noticed that the config apps no longer appeared. I tried de activating the mods from the current profile, but there again, no luck and no config app.


I've since uninstalled the game and am not in any position to provide further trouble shooting, but the mods that I used involved the xp32 skeleton and the HDT bodies and armors. Im taking a break from Skyrim for a while and doubt I will return to play before Fallout 4 comes out :) Good like and I hope this information might provide some clues. Not to nag, but it would have been nice to have gotten a much firmer warning that you are changing the mod universe and it might mess you up and provide a way to back out if it did. Oh well :)

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In response to post #28906844. #28921754 is also a reply to the same post.

JackOBees wrote: I'd like to think I speak for a very large number of us who use the Nexus sites when I say, we appreciate the work you do, and the work that has been done this far on the NMM software.

It's not rocket science to backup mod folders and installs or to refrain from updating like a mindless zombie in order to ensure stability until the next stable release.
Unfortunately, I seem to have gathered that from A LOT of the comments in this thread, that reading is becoming a dying art-form....

Wise up ladies and gents' - They're not obligated to provide you with ANYTHING, you're a public BETA TESTER, this software is free.

You're entitled to nothing.
BP98 wrote: Preach it!! I feel the exact way after reading all these "hate comments" (for lack of a better word). Don't get me wrong, there's still some stuff that could use some tweaks every now and then. However, as you mentioned, this is a free software I will not, ask for someone to fix or change something that they hand out freely, it's just rude.. I appreciate the work these people do, and I'm not about to have them change it to cater to my specific needs.

- As for backing up files and mod folders, it might as well be rocket science for me...

I disagree 100%, not everyone has the understanding to back up their entire Skyrim data base basically, while I understand that this is not on the Nexus team the fact that they had to make a drastic change to how the NMM installer works pretty much screwed every one really hard which is unfortunate. I myself have yet to see the damage done by this new process and hope it isn't as bad as some have reported.
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When i downloaded the update it f*#@ed my skyrim bad like it made my player into a big red ! mark

and my player is in the ground so i cant really see that good but this was also my fault because i didnt

look at the on the website for any logs or news i didnt think that it just f*#@ my game up that bad

i tried deleting some mod files(didnt work) so i reinstalled the game but that never fix the problem as well so im f*#@ed.


heres what the problem is http://postimg.org/image/pewb1aswx/

idk what to do


Edited by Xzyel
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Something occurred to me a little while ago. I've posted a few comments about how I liked to make a lot of manual changes to my game folders and because of that profiling wasn't something I wanted, but I think I have an idea of how I could use the profiling and still have a setup that allows me to mess with the game folders to my heart's content.


I'm not sure I can explain how to do this but I'm going to try. What I'll do is setup a mod called something like "Manual Installs". Then, if I'm able, I'll manually install all non script installer mods to that folder and it will be as though I have a normal data folder. I haven't tried the newer versions of NMM so I'm not sure it will work, but from what I know about managers that use profiling (Mod Organizer) I don't see any reason why it wouldn't.


Anybody with a little experience with the new version of NMM know if this would work?

Edited by Kalell
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In response to post #28905564. #28928434 is also a reply to the same post.

lyroas wrote: Completely messed my game up as I have alot of customfiles inserted/changed within mods. It really baffles me you guys could throw out such a messy updating process without a big red warning sign.
Tantalus010 wrote: *facepalms*

In case you are the type of guy who claims to be "IT-savvy" and do a lot of "custom work" but yet, only press "next" and then "next" again during installation, here is one for you :


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In case you are the type of guy who claims to be "IT-savvy" and do a lot of "custom work" but yet, only press "next" and then "next" again during installation, here is one for you :





Heh, not to mention this when you initially start it up...


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