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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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It took me three full days to fix my 150+ Skyrim mods. I had to manually delete Skyrim and every single mod before doing a fresh re-install. Now it works but was it worth it? If I had to do it all over again - hell no! But seriously why when I disable a mod in NMM does it not come up with the mod installer/manager when I activate it again. I have to completely remove the mod and import it back into the NMM to work. I was lucky enough to go into the previous NMM before I installed this and saved all my mods but what I forgot to do was write down the load order. Jesus that was a painful trial and error that took most of my time. Don't forget like me if you going to upgrade!
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In response to post #28964114. #28965359 is also a reply to the same post.

kyle902 wrote:

This update completely f*#@ed everyone over who had mods installed separate of NMM. This whole "you should've read the changelog" is a rather shoddy excuse as well. I don't read the changelog for every piece of software I use because generally I don't expect the software to completely break the programs it interacts with after an update. "Its a beta" isn't really an excuse either considering that

A. The vast majority of the NMM userbase don't understand the implications of a beta

B. This update wasn't really a "Beta" update considering it both added features and vastly changed how certain things work. To my understanding programs in the Beta state of development are usually considered to be undergoing the streamlining of features as well as bugfixes.


I understand that there was a pop up saying that I'd need to reinstall my mods, but I was under the impression that it would simply put the files back into place after the update rather the making my reload every single plugin out of order. The automatic reinstallation system was functionally useless because it paid no head to install order and simply created a mess of overlapping and conflicting mods which as I've previously stated completely broke my game.


Honestly you should expect quite a bit of hate mail from the average end user when you release an update thats basically "update the program and uninstall everything for all the games that use NMM to handle mods and then have to manually fix everything" or "Download and update the program but have to use the last iteration of the software anyways"

Ivory_Soul wrote: Good to see another user who actually reads. My conversion went flawlessly with 175 mods installed. There were a couple that needed reinstalling, but it was no big deal.

all the pointless comments, might wanna change your name to ivory_troll ^^
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I'm afraid that my comments won't be much help to the developers as I admit that I USE NMM, but I don't UNDERSTAND its inner workings. I just download, run LOOT, FNIS, whatever and then play. How it does what t does is beyond me.


However, I cannot get my game to work at all. It appears to load properly, but as soon as the screen shows me as in the world and the Racemenu is present on the left side of the screen, it CTDs. For the brief moment that the in-game world is visible (I use Live Another Life so its the inside of the prison cell), my point of view appears like my character is imbedded in the floor and I see colored panes like you see in CTK for reference points or object orientation, then... CTD. Also Body Slide 2 is not working in that every time I try to make a batch build I get failed messages because the small nif.0 cannot be found. FNIS says it cannot find the hkt skeleton or something like that even though the file is there. There are many other problems like this which I've been able to correct only by unstalling the relevant mod and downloading it again. Since I'm running 163 mods, you can see the problem here. I could spend a month of spare time downloading and still not be able to fix the problems.


Edit: Reinstalling FNIS, Racemenu, and Bodyslide 2 had no effect in the errors mentioned. Sill wont work.

Edited by 711Eikinskjaldi
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Anyway to undo an update? I did read but had no idea the update would make my game almost unplayable. I thought updates were a good thing latest and greatest and all that rot. So i am stuck I do not like this update and what it does.. some mods require certain choices that depend on other mods you have so they do not over-right them. I reinstalled my mods and have no choices about the mod and how it will affect other mods. So this can and will cause conflicts with mods.. I really question if anyone has had a clean install does everyone of your mods work? I want to go back to the old installer I had and would appreciate suggestions.
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In response to post #28955319. #28965329 is also a reply to the same post.

r3wcifer wrote: I had NO issues because I DID read the huge warning saying it was going to uninstall mods and I backed out and rolled back to the old version, it very clearly warns you what its doing, if you're too stupid to see that, then you don't belong here, the people writing these programs and running this awesome community don't owe you SQUAT. And anyone who sent a death threat over something so minor needs to leave the basement and go find something to do because clearly you have issues and are a self-entitled, unappreciative piece of garbage.
Ivory_Soul wrote: Agreed! I'm glad to see users like this on here who are mature and responsible and READ READ READ READ READ. I can't tell people enough, but the main reason why NMM staff gets hate mail and death threats is because the user didn't read the instructions and warnings. NMM DOESN'T owe anyone anything like you said, I have given a lot of money to NMM because it's the greatest modding community ever created and they are RESPONSIBLE, a very responsible modding team who always cover their own ass.

I DID read the warning. I understood that it was a major change. However, I'm not a sophisticated user and I had the expectation that THIS update would, like all the previous updates, improve my use of NMM, not break my game.

So - for your info - I did nothing wrong. I read the warning, I followed the instructions. I patiently waited for bugfixes, etc... and I now can't play the game. I should be able to complain about this as I'm not an idiot and I didn't do anything to f*#@ it up. I understand most people have not had issues, but I was one of the unfortunate ones who did and the last thing I want to read when looking for help is some self-righteous, sanctimonious prick lecturing me about whether or not I have a right to complain. So, on behalf of all the people badly affected by the update who took it in good faith that the new system would work for them and did nothing to cause the defects, f*ck you, assh@le. Edited by 711Eikinskjaldi
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So this has been my experience with NMM 0.60:


Installed it

It said it would reinstall my mods like how I originally had them

It didn't

Skyrim no longer works


I'm supposed to install 100+ mods again manually in the same order with the same overrides I originally installed them with? That's a mite bit rich.


Result: I no longer play Skyrim because screw that.

Edited by Stormscape
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Ok for those with issues I found a fix to restore your game.. You have to do a system restore to your computer to a date prior to your update I did this and it brought me back to 5.6 installer only lost a few hours of gaming. Game went from being unplayable to know I am back to normal not the best fix I know but it worked my mods work and m game works as it should.. goodluck
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I'm so sorry people have been rude. I know people on this site (including me) obviously love having mods ( or else we wouldn't be here). But you should know that many of the people I've come across on this site are very polite. Also for anyone installing version .60(and update of .60) of the mod manager I would recommend copying a list of your mods into a word document and moving all your manually installed mods to a different folder. Then let the mod reinstall your automatic downloads, add any automatic downloads that are missing (check your list) reinstall the ones you want to overwrite (example smim then 2k texture overwrite), then move your manual installations back to your skyrim/data/game folder. This may not work for everyone and I haven't actually installed the new version but i think this would help just so you are prepared if anything goes wrong( backup your game!) I was going to install but saw the warning in the wizard and didn't. It was actually in a big red font. Edited by bosmerlovely
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In response to post #28968694.

Taikouchi wrote: It took me three full days to fix my 150+ Skyrim mods. I had to manually delete Skyrim and every single mod before doing a fresh re-install. Now it works but was it worth it? If I had to do it all over again - hell no! But seriously why when I disable a mod in NMM does it not come up with the mod installer/manager when I activate it again. I have to completely remove the mod and import it back into the NMM to work. I was lucky enough to go into the previous NMM before I installed this and saved all my mods but what I forgot to do was write down the load order. Jesus that was a painful trial and error that took most of my time. Don't forget like me if you going to upgrade!

You don't need a load order ( for the most part) if you use boss or loot (loot is better for skyrim and fallout).
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