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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28911349. #28911939, #28913369, #28915494 are all replies on the same post.

Roguespear wrote: I have commented here before but now I have a question, are you going to support pre .60 versions of NMM?

I have spent 500 plus hours unpacking all the bsa files into loose file variants and using Gimp and Photoshop, I recolored and modified where possible all my texture files. I did the recolors because I wanted the look of an enb without the inherent overhead an enb can bring to the game.

I have 247 active plugins and 76 script and texture mods, but with my loose file setup in Skyrim, It seems that using anything above 56.1 would render all my work moot. Yes I can restore my game from my backups but all the texture work would be trashed. Does anything in .60+ allow me to retain my recolors? If not then unless I am mistaken, 56.1 is it for me.

Also how about those of us using merged mods, what then? I am trying not to be too critical, but NMM seems to have gone the way of Windows 10. They have something they regard as the coolest thing ever but now appear to be working over time to restore a host of conveniences back into the OS they removed for what ever reason.

It would be nice, if before a well regarded and much used piece of software was modified so extensively, the end user was asked what would enrich their experience with it, possibly in the form of a survey or series of surveys as to what they would like to see.

I realize that 40,000 users tested the new changes, but having been a beta tester for Windows 95 as well as using all the preview versions since then, I can tell you it takes a certain type of individual to take on this task. The dedicated users that tested the new NMM are probably a very small percentage of the user base on the nexus, and though the included changes to NMM seemed to be stable, the question no one seems to be asking is "what is behind all of the negative chatter" . Why not ask the entire user base if they actually want the changes.

Lets put it in a simpler form, I would really like Ferrari , but how would it work in my daily commute to work?
Gruftlord wrote: You can put your own mods and textures in a zip file (keep the subfolders like textures and meshes inside the zip) and add that to nmm (there is a button to add mods). Now you can install and uninstall you own mods just like you do with the ones from the nexus. Hope that helps. Have fun.

Also, if you want a more vibrant skyrim without having to retexture everything or use an enb try a mod (or its ini tweaks) called 'vanilla at its best'
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: They have said that they will NOT support pre .60 versions any longer....BUT you can run two instances of NMM if you rename one of the folders....ie, use the last .50 version to run Skyrim (if you don't care about profiling, of course) and the new version to run FO4 and beyond.
Kalell wrote: I'm in the same situation. I've made a huge amount of manual changes that would be lost if I upgraded to the new version. Of course the solution is to just continue using 56.1, but it's not going to support new games. That pretty much rules out me using NMM with FO4 because I won't be able to mod it with 60.5+ the way that I like to mod games. I can't understand why they didn't include an option to continue installing mods the normal way. I said this earlier in this thread, but our only hope is that someone makes a manager for FO4 that works the normal way.

I tried it and it did not suit my game setup, but thanks anyway. As for reinstalling my modified mods, (which is almost all) my question is WHY, software is supposed to solve problems not create more. Here's hoping someone in charge is really listening, I can't believe that someone else is not having similar issues.

I realize NMM is free but am hoping they get it fixed, someone mentioned a choice allowing the user to turn off profiling and not uninstall all our mods, what a GREAT idea!!!!!
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In response to post #28906844.

JackOBees wrote: I'd like to think I speak for a very large number of us who use the Nexus sites when I say, we appreciate the work you do, and the work that has been done this far on the NMM software.

It's not rocket science to backup mod folders and installs or to refrain from updating like a mindless zombie in order to ensure stability until the next stable release.
Unfortunately, I seem to have gathered that from A LOT of the comments in this thread, that reading is becoming a dying art-form....

Wise up ladies and gents' - They're not obligated to provide you with ANYTHING, you're a public BETA TESTER, this software is free.

You're entitled to nothing.

Preach it!! I feel the exact way after reading all these "hate comments" (for lack of a better word). Don't get me wrong, there's still some stuff that could use some tweaks every now and then. However, as you mentioned, this is a free software I will not, ask for someone to fix or change something that they hand out freely, it's just rude.. I appreciate the work these people do, and I'm not about to have them change it to cater to my specific needs.

- As for backing up files and mod folders, it might as well be rocket science for me...
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This was a terrible, horrible update. Didn't work for me. Now I have to re-install all the mods, even the unofficial patches, textures, skeletons, etc.... The nexus just crashed before ending the migration process and was like a nuke. Probably is gonna wreck my game too.

You've been doing a great work, but this is a nightmare.

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I didn't think the profile system needed an update, seemed to be pretty effective before. I also didn't think this many people didn't understand what a beta program is. Only three gigs of mods left to set up and then I'll forget all this ever happened and I can get back to protecting Morrowind and asking everyone every question ever about everything.


And about Solstheim. Always ask about Solstheim.

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In response to post #28923389.

omgzalgo wrote: I didn't think the profile system needed an update, seemed to be pretty effective before. I also didn't think this many people didn't understand what a beta program is. Only three gigs of mods left to set up and then I'll forget all this ever happened and I can get back to protecting Morrowind and asking everyone every question ever about everything.

And about Solstheim. Always ask about Solstheim.

Actually, I can't play. Tamriel Rebuilt's BSA is refusing to be recognized despite appropriate changes to the .ini so I guess I'll just not play Morrowind anymore. Consider it a bug report, I guess.
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have found numerous errors that are caused by the unofficial skyrim mod which I installed to fix game errors. So I tending to jump back and forth now to try and get some ease of gameplay. Latest from the unofficial skyrim mod is that the three characters you see when you enter windhelm do not disperse after their conversation and remain in that position for days. Seems that these mods are contributing errors as well as resolving them as when removed from the NMM (yes located it specifically to the skyrim nofficial mod not the other unofficial mods) this scene plays out normally and characters go off to their own way. Not to say peoples efforts are not appreciated in making the game a more enjoable experience.



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