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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28932379.

SnW25 wrote: Hi,i'm one of those guys who had to REINSTALL EVERYTHING FORM SCRATCH because of the update, yes i was angry as everyone else, i didn't touch it for a few days, then my abstinence for skyrim won the battle and i CAREFULLY updated my NMM and reinstalled the game, fro two days i dedicated 8 hours of my day to again, CAREFULLY install all my mods. So i had almost half of the list installed, everything was ok, i tried the game several times, everything was running GREAT!, then i closed the NMM, i opened again and, vo ah la, all the esp files were gone, though the mods are still in my game data floder, and NMM mod folders, for some strange reason every single .esp is gone, (Yes i tried the InstallLog.xml.bak)so if someone could be so gentle to help me how to fix this s#*!! ,i'll be forever grateful for your help, because i don't really have the time and energy to deal again wih THIS f*#@ING s#*!!. thank you for taking the time reading this, and i really wish you to have a better day than mine.

The Problem



I accepted the update, said yes to give it a go for organizing and crossed my fingers.

Immediately after I went thru loot, and then FNIS to complete the sequence

With my heart beating fast, I engaged the game and then SKSE and waited

Game loaded cleanly and without incident, so far so good, JACKSOM initiation followed on and my 21 MCM loaded, once more without incident. Now to play the game, and try all 21 MCM modules to see if they were actually working, no problems all worked as well as they had before the change. I played the game for about an hour and could not find anything running different.

So I fortunately had no issues with it, but when I returned to NMM and studied what had been loaded and what had not. To much to my surprise many files I had once had loaded, were greyed out, which in Interpreted as not installed. So began the process of understanding how come these files did not load. To my not so much of a surprise, all the files that I had time to check that were grey, upon research, were mods that had already been incorporated as part of another major or less minor mod. This in fact produce a bit of satisfaction, but I would admit at initially feeling terror at seeing so many greyed out files with some being armors I had installed on some of my alts. So to be sure, I re-entered the game and loaded all the alts I had with the greyed out armors, and they loaded fine with the armors as I had intended, and after a little checking those files had been superseded by another mod. At the moment, the only set of files I had not tracked why they did not lowed was my battery of Better Females by Bella mods, while in game I can tell these mods are active, I can't find yet who is the "mother" file that is providing for them.

Guess from my part, from reading other folk's experience, I just got lucky or I did something right which pretty much is luck again, he he he

But for the record, the upgrade was flawless on my part
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I recommend NOT to update.

I carefully chose "NO" so it uninstalled my mods and I carefully reinstalled them all using NMM newest version + Wrye Bash + LOOT and everything needed.

The game is totally messed up and new install couldn't save my saves, which are now bloated and useless.

When would I recommend to update? First of all: Never, if you really have to wait till you are bored with your current playthrough, then delete ALL game files, ALL folder and then reinstall. It might work.



0.56.1 works great, no bugs, I see no reason to update.

Edited by Witto
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Great work , upgraded without a hitch.Had all my files backed up as one should , but not needed.I always keep a FULL copy of my Skyrim DATA folder on one of my drives .Thank you again and cant wait to try the profiling function in the near future.




ps.for goodness sake people read the warnings ...

Edited by nocliptoni
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In response to post #28905564. #28928434, #28928919, #28930479, #28936459 are all replies on the same post.

lyroas wrote: Completely messed my game up as I have alot of customfiles inserted/changed within mods. It really baffles me you guys could throw out such a messy updating process without a big red warning sign.
Tantalus010 wrote: *facepalms*
BlackKnightss wrote: In case you are the type of guy who claims to be "IT-savvy" and do a lot of "custom work" but yet, only press "next" and then "next" again during installation, here is one for you :


scarface0040 wrote: Here's the thing though bub. The devs still pushed out a defective product. Now a bunch of really naïve people have bricked games. Both parties are at fault.
sgtmcbiscuits wrote: @scarface0040,
The devs pushed out a product that's in beta. In layman's terms, that means in big red letters "DON'T USE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING". Of course, everyone ignores that. Their update works wonderfully for some people, and for those who it didn't work well for, the concept of a beta (with lots of warnings about this specific update, as well). means that the issue is solely with the end user. It wouldn't work well for me personally because of my current setup, so I simply didn't update. I did this because I read about the update and did my own research before concluding that it would not be a wise move for me.

Long story short, don't blame the devs for something that they told you might not work and you agreed to.

I think its today's way of thinking to blame here .People do not wish to take responsibility of their own actions .It is little bit like you try to sue a company for selling you a HOT cup of coffee (as they should) and even after they warned you it was hot you brat about with it , leading you getting burned,blame someone else do not own up.Warnings were there and they were ignored.It is not too difficult to back up your game (tools are out there) or even just make a copy of your data folder,should the worse happen .If one was able to seriously mod Skyrim in the first place they should already posses the skills to do this surely?Don't get me wrong i do feel for the people who buggered up their installs by upgrading NMM .As much as i love this game and have spend countless hours perfecting it the past 4 years for me, it is just a game .There should be no sane reason to send threats to people over it and scream bloody murder , you were warned . Edited by nocliptoni
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I appreciate this post as a person that does read patch notes, but I wonder if NMM staff understands their userbase. We want it now, we want it slick, and we want it to work smoothly. It's not a reasonable ask, but it's what NMM aims to achieve, so the BS mentioned should come as no surprise. I don't want to read about it; it's the field you have chosen to play on.


That being all well and good, my girlfriend's Witcher3 mods stopped working- bug report provided 'X stopped working'- but I don't know enough about the architecture to be more acute than that.

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I had NO issues because I DID read the huge warning saying it was going to uninstall mods and I backed out and rolled back to the old version, it very clearly warns you what its doing, if you're too stupid to see that, then you don't belong here, the people writing these programs and running this awesome community don't owe you SQUAT. And anyone who sent a death threat over something so minor needs to leave the basement and go find something to do because clearly you have issues and are a self-entitled, unappreciative piece of garbage.
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I too took the plunge and started to install the new version.. then had a brain fart and cancelled it. No biggy, I just reinstalled ver 56 and all was as it was before. So now I'll just wait for the next update.

Cannot believe so many are screaming the sky has fallen. LOL

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