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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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If this has been answered already, then I apologize.


Since updating the NMM, I've been running into this rather odd set of errors that I don't know how correct.


First off, despite not having any 'active mods' enabled. I'm still getting a notification that says that # number of mods are active.


~Originally, when first prompt to keep the 'active mods'...well active. I chose yes, thinking that if I chose no it would delete all my mods. (A mistake on my part, but why is it still saying I have # of mods active, despite disabling all of them?)


Second off, when you click on the folder for the mod category folder you wish to view; animations, armor, or whatever. It crams everything into the corner and makes it unreadable; unless you have the mod manager in full screen.


And finally (at this moment anyway) a lot of mods are taking a really long time to download and 'activate.' Even something simple as a weapon or armor takes as long as an entire quest mod or overhaul.



I hope this serves as a 'rough' bug report that you mentioned. Both New Vegas, Skyrim, and NMM are all fresh installs. So i'm at a loss as to why this is happening.


The system i'm currently playing these on is fully updated and is only a few years old.


So, any information you have on how to resolved this issues would really help.









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The problem with 'rough' bug reports is they may not be put into the bug tracking system, and if they are not in the system, they are not really bug reports at all. The entire purpose of having a bug report system is to track and document the bugs - Bug reports are categorized as to severity and a few other categories so the devs will know what bugs are affecting the most people and what bugs are causing the biggest problems and which are just, "I wish it did this instead of that." And the most important, when a bug is resolved and removed from the list. Real bug reports are in a format that the devs can use and track. Acting on rough bug reports is like squeaky wheel maintenance - the one that squeaks the loudest gets all the attention while the quiet but far more important problem gets overlooked. :rolleyes:


If you want your bug to be taken seriously, first it MUST be posted in the bug tracker instead of just somewhere on a forum where it can easily be lost. See this post on "how to report bugs." :thumbsup:


As for communicating - If the devs spend all their time informing each person that submits a report of what they are doing on that particular problem, they won't have time to actually work on the problem. :pinch: The only reason a dev should have for contacting you is to get more information. Look for bug resolutions in the bug fixes that are put out with each release. Just because you don't see your bug being fixed instantly or a message from a dev that it is being looked into doesn't mean it is not important, it just means that a fix is not available yet. Some things take longer to fix. :smile:


For those who don't know, Moderators are not devs. And we really don't know any more about what bugs are being worked on than you. :blush:


Edit: definition of Devs - developers, these are the guys that work in the background programming stuff. Without them there would be no NMM or new features on the Nexus. :dance:

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Sorry guys, but I reverted back to 0.56.1.


0.60.8 is a big drawback, imo, when it comes to uninstall/install. It takes ages (way, way longer than 0.56.1 but even 0.60.6). Still no queuing for uninstall.


I also just saw that "Better Vampire Overhaul" is actually not working correctly, although installed. It worked perfectly until I switched to 0.60 t. File migration problem I guess.


I have more than 180 mods and my game is heavily scripted. Just did a clean install for a few days but I'm good for another one since I'm installing an old version and don't want to take any risk.

Edited by Nas00
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In response to post #28792144.

fgambler wrote: This should be released as a new mod manager then, if we can't update it without losing the data of mods installed then it's not really an update.


There should be two versions of NMM. And if they can't swing that, then, I guess I am never updating ever again. Skyrim is "old" now .. especially when FO4 will be released. I barely update it anymore with new mods (my install/mod(s) set up is perfect, imo) so it wont bother me.

As for adding mods if the automatic-download-from-site-to-NMM doesn't work anymore, then ok .. I'll just manually make a .rar file of said mods, add them to the "mods' folder in my skryim directory, and just use NMM to install it from there.

If this atrocious update is still around when FO4 comes out, I'll be making backups like the hotness and just install/uninstall manually.
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In response to post #28942849. #28976944, #28978454 are all replies on the same post.


bosmerlovely wrote: Lol
TheSilverRook wrote: golden

Does it matter that it Skyrim wasn't even released yet?
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So I used to have Skyrim, and now I don't have Skyrim.


I genuinely appreciate that I've been able to enjoy something for free, but I guess my experience is similar to many: opened NMM, pressed update (as usual), and only after the uninstall/install does it say that this potentially completely resets the 100 mods you painstakingly applied to your Skyrim. Migration failed, now trying to reload mods but can't find the guide I used to say what exact configurations were needed.


You acknowledge that there are infinite configurations of PCs/mods and yet you don't give a massive disclaimer of the significance of the update. Very simply, to have spent hundreds of hours on something, first modding then playing, to be told suddenly, "it's over and you should have been more careful", is a terrible response and I find it stunning that the .60 release is still even available without a bulletproof backup facility included.


I think the key misunderstanding is that a lot of people are not developer/players but players - 99% of the modding I did was done before playing the game and starting over completely, with the hours and hours involved, is too much. So that's it, my new PC will never play Skyrim again. Gutted.

Edited by humraa
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I suppose I'm one of those blind downloaders. I did note the warning, and wasn't bothered with the idea even though it took a long time. What I wasn't counting on, was the fact the load order was screwed up when I went to reactivate the mods, and then had to spend quite a bit of time reordering and reinstalling the lot. I spent most of an evening with it, as I had 200+ mods.


When I made the decision to download it, I figured that the program was headed in that direction at some point, so decided to just try to get it over with at an early point. Hopefully, future updates of this won't be accompanied by the same, though I will update less often now.

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In response to post #28988729.

Nas00 wrote: Sorry guys, but I reverted back to 0.56.1.

0.60.8 is a big drawback, imo, when it comes to uninstall/install. It takes ages (way, way longer than 0.56.1 but even 0.60.6). Still no queuing for uninstall.

I also just saw that "Better Vampire Overhaul" is actually not working correctly, although installed. It worked perfectly until I switched to 0.60 t. File migration problem I guess.

I have more than 180 mods and my game is heavily scripted. Just did a clean install for a few days but I'm good for another one since I'm installing an old version and don't want to take any risk.

i have that problem too to uninstall/intall mod when i switch to 0.60

i should refresh desktop every i install/uninstall mod now, if i not refresh it NMM 0.60 would will sometime stuck on queing mods or when i try installing mod it sometimes didn't run script from installation. this should make me double check every mod that i installed was working.

i wonder what system or mods that 40k tester using on alpha that makes it bug free and make it pass to beta stage, but majority of user was had a problem.
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after updating NMM, now skyrim isnt working at all, gets to the splash screen, then straight to desktop...ughhh...it crashed during the update process, most of my mods werent even migrated, and some were even lost...gonna have to do a complete clean reinstall now, this version of NMM has ruined my interest in this site. this should have never been released, even as a beta, until these bugs were found, or at least without giving the community some idea of how crappy it could be. sorry, but im done with Nexus until this is fixed.
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