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Help with a hat mesh


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HEY SUP sweeties <3


I am releasing an update to my Battlemage armour mod. I have a cool witch hat, but it's GIGANTIC!


Like massive super huge and I'd like for it to be a bit smaller :D




So if anyone could help me shrink it down a bit (and maybe move up or down on the head so it doesn't clip with hair too badly), that would be awesomeness.


File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5eru0pgov9sox0h/eliwitchhat.nif?dl=0


Thanks in advance!

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I actually like it big like that. I had a hat like that in Oblivion and I found when I shrunk it to a more realistic size it didn't look as cool, it was like it needed to be exaggerated to look good in the game environment. And of course the smaller you go then the more clipping will be an issue, assuming you don't want it to remove any hair using the dismember partition but just sit on top of most hair styles without major issues. Most of the vanilla hair would be fine with that, but some of the modded hair will be impossible, more so as you shrink it.

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Basically you'll need to export it into a 3d program and scale the hat.

Doing a simple scale in nifskope means the z position is also scaled (hat around waste height by the time you scale it right).


Here's a the scaled 1 fifth smaller, to me it still looks to big.

Scaling it to much smaller will start clipping your head.

Only way to get around that would be to sort of remodel it a little.


All I did was set the pivot point of the hat at the center where all vertices meet and then scaled it 0.2 smaller so it keeps the correct height on your head.

I tried 0.3 smaller, but it starts clipping your head.

You could probably scale it as low as 0.25 smaller and get away with it, but I didn't try it at that.


Here's some pics of it scaled 0.2 smaller and the original size so you can get an idea of the difference:

Resize / Original Size:






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You saved me "a lifetime of mortification" as a fancy Orlesian once said, when I helped her find her ring.


Jokerine! Do you want the texture?




Credit to ochinsama

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