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Weird lag problem.


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I've been having a lag spike problem for about a week now. I know when somebody says lag the first thing you think is 'Oh, his computer must not be good enough' but thats not the case here. Here are my specs.

OS = Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit

CPU = i7-4770k 3.50 GHz (8 CPUs)

GPU = Nvidia GTX 760 4GB

Sound Card = Creative Sound Blaster Zx

Ram = 32 GB

DirectX 11

1920 x 1080 32 bit 60Hz (Single display)

Another reason I know its not my specs is because the game worked perfectly for 2 weeks before I started getting lag spikes.

So here's the story. Everything was going fine until I ran some normal maintenance on my computer. Meaning I used avg pc tune up to do normal stuff, a regestry cleanup, regestry defrag, check for disk errors, disc defrag, plus I did a full system virus scan and a disk cleanup.

After I did all that i started getting random lag spikes. Its like for just a second or half a second the game will totally freeze. These spikes happen totally randomaly. Walking indoors and outdoors, combat, doing stuff in the inventory, looting, talking, even just standing still. They're totally random. I should add that im using MGSO 3. So anyway here's what I've tried so far.

Totally reinstalling Morrowind and MGSO (3 times) - didn't help

Reinstalling Morrowind without MGSO - didn't help

Changing draw distance down to 10 - didn't help

Reducing other MGSO graphic settings - didn't help

System restore to back before I ran all the maintenance - didn't help

Totally removing Morrowind, its regestry entries and other leftover files from my computer then reinstall - didn't help

Reinstalled GPU Driver - didn't help

Using a newer version of Morrowind code patch and MGE XE - didn't help

Running it in a window - didn't help

Yelling at random people in my neighborhood - didn't help

I guess im just looking for input here. Can anybody out there think of what might be causing this or maybe think of trying something I didn't try. Maybe I overlooked something?

I should also not that I've tried like 10 other games to see if they lag too, but they work fine. So its just a morrowind problem.

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Odd, yelling at random people usually works for me...


By lag do you mean periodic drops in FPS or do you mean input lag (e.g. delay from moving mouse to effect in game)?


If the latter:

ISSUE: Mouse lag.


For reasons unknown, having the music slider turned all the way down results in severe mouse lag, particularly indoors. Moving the slider one notch to the right eliminates the lag and still leaves the music inaudible.

(From Bethsoft)


I've also a hazy memory of experiencing some input lag with MGE (ancestor of MGE XE), I seem to remember that was related to (maybe) forcing anti-aliasing in drivers. Oh, and check for an Input Lag Fix checkbox in MGE XE's GUI.

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