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How to ask for help : The proper way to make Skyrim support topics


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You want to fix your issue as fast as possible? Well then you need to convey your request in a consistent manner, right? I'm write this small guide in order to make it easier to communicate for both you and anyone willing to help you. What I aim to avoid are topics in which the needed information is gathered over the course of 5, 10, 20 posts back and forth of simply providing the information needed to tend to your issue.

So let's take this step by step and forge a topic that is easily understandable and complete.

This is focused mostly on topics about fixing CTDs and various issues you face when modding Skyrim but the general moto of concise and readable requests can be applied to any topics (Mod managers, CK, other tools, etc.)


I suggest to look around the forum, steam, reddit, google, etc; to use all available resources prior to posting. Skyrim has been around for ages and so have the issues surrounding it.
It is not too far fetched that someone might have had the same issue you are and documented their solution online.

Here are also a few general all purpose resources that can help solve your issue :

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You want to be concise but you need to mention EVERY detail you believe is related to your crash. You basically want to list all your actions before you encountered an issue. (Where applicable)
Examples :

  • CTD on launch : Mention recently installed mods
  • CTD at a specific location : Mention the location and your actions before the crash as well as if this is a new location available trough a mod.
  • And so on...

As long as we can understand what happens then we can help you.


This is what is some times neglected. I recently stumbled on a sure way to instantly provide all your load order, mod list and ini information within an easy to read interface. I recommend Modwatch, a utility made by PeanutOfDeath that allows you to conveniently take all the files one would need to provide for troubleshooting Skyrim and uploads them onto his website for easy sharing.

Modwatch can be downloaded at http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640/ , You want to get the NEW version as the LEGACY one has a few bugs.

The UI is simple enough : pick a username and name, select folder with the files (ex. Your MO profile or Documents/My Games/Skyrim) and upload.
Your link is "
http://modwatch.ch/u/<username>" where username is what you choose in the username textbox.


These are thing that are optional but providing them might speed up the process of taking care of you issue. Things like papyrus logs, system parameters or more details like a list of test runs should go here.

  • LOOT logs : If you happen to see warnings or errors when running LOOT then this is also important. The reason is that outdated or uncleaned mods can also affect your game's stability. I suggest opening LOOT, going to the filters tab and enabling <hide messageless plugins>, now take a few screenshots include them in your post. (credits go to Jeir for pointing this out to me)
  • Papyrus logs : Enable papyrus logs your the skyrim.ini and run your game till you crash.
    skyrim ini papyrus section should look like this

    fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 500.0

    bEnableLogging = 1

    bEnableTrace = 1

    bLoadDebugInformation = 1

    You can find the output in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Script/papyrus0.log. Put it in
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  • System Specs : CPU, GPU, RAM, OS, etc.
  • ENBs : Mention the ENB version and preset if you're using one.
  • Screenshots : These really do help :smile:
  • Anything else you think is valuable...

There you go, now you can effectively communicate your issue and easily share all the files needed for anyone to provide you with help.

Good Luck with your skyrim modding!!! :cool:

Edited by andr920
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A potential problem with that mod watch thing is that it doesn't say if mods are clean or not. Nor what version they are. Outdated and unclean mods can go towards causing issues. A LOOT log may be better in this case.

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Amazes me how it seems like so many people do NO research on their own before making posts. Like you said most can be answered with a simple google search. Games been out almost 5 years.


Here are some GREAT resources i use in addition to whats already been posted.













Learned how to use Mod Organizer and to setup Perkus Maximus from this guy



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  On 9/27/2015 at 9:01 AM, Jeir said:

A potential problem with that mod watch thing is that it doesn't say if mods are clean or not. Nor what version they are. Outdated and unclean mods can go towards causing issues. A LOOT log may be better in this case.

Agreed. I'll add it. The reason I recommend modwatch is simply because I see lots of please just copy/pasting their loot order which doesn't contain outdated or unclean mods and can be hard to read sometimes.

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  On 9/27/2015 at 12:28 PM, ironbender800 said:

Amazes me how it seems like so many people do NO research on their own before making posts. Like you said most can be answered with a simple google search. Games been out almost 5 years.


Here are some GREAT resources i use in addition to whats already been posted.

Still surprised by it myself. Thanks for the extra resources, let me include them and credit you. cheers :smile:

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  • 3 weeks later...

another BIG part IMO...




For example titling a request "another bug that everyone is ignoring" is most likley going to CONTINUE to be ignored...


I agree with you, as much infomation as possible is good, but that dosent mean you stumble around ways to describe it, ( this harkens to your snapshots, Logs and specs obviously ) as you said, CONSISE.


also I would like to advise another VERY important fact is EASE OF ACCESS, (for lack of better term) ::


Creating a three page long list of infomation is kinda like that huge book that you wanted to read but it was just too damn heavy.

I would suggest sub titles along this example


Skyrim INI



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When people post huge papyrus logs or their gigantic 200 mod load order i almost never bother reading it lol.


Im not sorting through 200 mods for you trying to figure out your possible issue. So yeah clear concise and to the point is the best way to get help. While also including all important information without making it a huge mess.


But i encourage everyone to READ and RESEARCH on your own BEFORE asking on a forum. Chances are someone else has had the same problem and a quick google search will give you your answer.

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  On 10/19/2015 at 7:16 AM, Demonikone said:

Manners... For example titling a request "another bug that everyone is ignoring" is most likley going to CONTINUE to be ignored...

I agree with you, as much infomation as possible is good, but that dosent mean you stumble around ways to describe it, ( this harkens to your snapshots, Logs and specs obviously ) as you said, CONSISE.

also I would like to advise another VERY important fact is EASE OF ACCESS, (for lack of better term) ::

Creating a three page long list of infomation is kinda like that huge book that you wanted to read but it was just too damn heavy.

And so on.. to make the post shorter and easier to read ^_^

all in all, i would like to thank you for proviving such a useful thread for people to read over...

and yes... Google is your Friend

I absolutely agree. spoiler tags are a must if you have a bunch of information and being concise highly affects your chances of receiving help quickly . Walls of text are discouraging but not as much as condescending titles :tongue:

Edited by andr920
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  On 10/20/2015 at 7:09 PM, ironbender800 said:

Im not sorting through 200 mods for you trying to figure out your possible issue. So yeah clear concise and to the point is the best way to get help. While also including all important information without making it a huge mess.

But i encourage everyone to READ and RESEARCH on your own BEFORE asking on a forum. Chances are someone else has had the same problem and a quick google search will give you your answer.

I just scan through quickly, making sure anything specific doesn't stand out to me, like broken mods or a series of papyrus errors that I recognize.

But overall, I doubt anyone will go through all the 400 lines of the log. And as Demonikone put it so well : "Google is your friend"

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