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Was Ulfric Stormcloak thinking that....


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You always need Imperial sources for everything, huh? Thinking about it logically, Empire loyalists would not say "this is what we started calling them"; they would just call them that directly.

Without confirmation from BOTH sides, what we are dealing with is little more than one side's gossip and rumor interpretation of what is heavily influenced by propaganda. Somebody tossed out that Stormcloak moniker that everybody else seized on and integrated into everyday speech. You would think that somebody would want to take credit for being a trend-setter.

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I believe Hadvar says it. I distinctly remember seeing it from the Imperial perspective, since I've only played Stormcloaks once to see the story line. I'm fairly certain Hadvar says it directly after escaping from Helgen, if you pursue the Stormcloaks conversation lines.

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Yeah, I think it came from the Empire as well, though I have no specific Imperial sources to confirm it. It makes sense, as they would have need to identify their enemies, and Rebels isn't the most useful term (with at least one other rebellion ongoing in Skyrim, the Reachmen). They can't just call them the Nords, because most of their loyalists are Nords as well, so they named the force after its figurehead.


I highly doubt there was any intent at belittling them with the name, but you need SOMETHING to write on a missive other than 'The rebels'.

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I believe Hadvar says it. I distinctly remember seeing it from the Imperial perspective, since I've only played Stormcloaks once to see the story line. I'm fairly certain Hadvar says it directly after escaping from Helgen, if you pursue the Stormcloaks conversation lines.

The closest thing I found from Hadvar was this: After your escape, you may now inquire with Hadvar about the civil war and its causes. You can ask him about who the other prisoners were, to which he will answer: "You didn't know? That was Ulfric Stormcloak and his top lieutenants."

You have two ways to reply to this:

"He's a traitor of some kind?" "Right, the leader of the Stormcloaks. They claim to be fighting for Skyrim's freedom, but the war is really all about Ulfric wanting to be High King of Skyrim." "I don't pay much attention to current events." "Oh, right, you were caught trying to cross the border into Skyrim, weren't you? You're not kidding. Ulfric's the leader of the Stormcloaks - you know, the traitors trying to break Skyrim away from the Empire."

You may ask him who the Stormcloaks are, and Hadvar will ask you back: "You haven't heard of the civil war in Skyrim? I guess down in Cyrodiil people have other things to worry about." before explaining: "It's pretty simple. Ulfric founded the Stormcloaks years ago, as a sort of private army to advance his ambitions. He's always used the ban on the worship of Talos to stir people up against the Empire. He never succeeded in getting much support, so a few months ago he murdered the High King! That got the Empire's attention."

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Well, I doubt there's much of an association there, as the Stormcloak family name goes bacl centuries before Talos appeared. It's an extremely old line, dating at least to the Interregnum.


Still, I've never heard any negative association with it, from either the the Empire or any lore source... So I find it difficult to beleive that anyone would think it would be belittiling to the enemy. It would he like calling the American rebels 'The Washingtons'.

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