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Uploaded file problem


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Yesterday I have uploaded an update for Gift of Kynareth. However, shortly after that, someone reported that the file extension was unknown, but if the file is downloaded, then 7zip/rar extension added, the archive would work properly.


I have looked into it myself and the file extension is ".1fulldocument". I have tried to re-upload the file today, but to the same result.


Although it is just a minor bug per se, it might be an insurmontable issue for less experienced users.


Thank you,


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Hi Painkiller,


To help me troubleshoot the issue would you mind telling me the exact file name of the file on your harddrive that you're uploading?



Thank you for your swift intervention.


Name of file on HDD: GiftOfKynareth_V2.1Full.rar. I believe the problem comes from the dot before the extension (between 2 and 1 numerals). As I was saying, the altered new "extension" is "1FullDocument". If you don't have other solution, I will remove the respective dot and re-upload.


However, this may require a more permanent solution... ;)

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I experienced a similar problem, but it was caused by me changing the classification of the mod from 'Buildings' to "Weapons & Armor." It caused the file to have no extension and contain 0 bytes of data. I have already reuploaded my file (GVarmsandarmorpak1.rar) and it works now.
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I experienced a similar problem, but it was caused by me changing the classification of the mod from 'Buildings' to "Weapons & Armor." It caused the file to have no extension and contain 0 bytes of data. I have already reuploaded my file (GVarmsandarmorpak1.rar) and it works now.

I had that problem in the past. This one was a bit different, since the file size was normal and, if the extension manually changed to .rar, completely functional. Reuploading didn't solve the problem initially, only after Dark0ne's intervention.

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