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The Mantis

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He also uses his enviorment to his advantage. If theres lava he will push them in. Or water he will drown them. Or crack their skull on a rock, or strangle them with a vine hanging from a tree. He has many finishing moves. Like breaking their neck, striking the throat, and this palm strike that can stop their heart.
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must be a cool guy cuz he's a monk!!!!!!!!!! lol, well, we must be dif kinds of monks, cuz i'm not that inclined to help people... lol. I've got my own agenda, and a very strict code of honor, that, while allowing me to kill and steal, has certain codes of conduct for hwen i do, it must be done in an honorable way, and their skin must not be punctured by any weapon weilded by me (the loophole to this is the bow and arrow). Anyway, sounds like this thomas guy is pretty cool, as long as he's not bosmer....................
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