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Crime and Punishmant.


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OK this is going to be a very disorganized series of ideas and thorughts so bear wi th me. the sorts of things I'm looking for are the following


> A more immersive prison experience servingout sentences, possibly facing execution,


> Make prison break s much more worthwhile. As it stands there is absolutely no reason to attempt to break out ofyour cell or escape the prison because that just leaves you wher eyou were when you had thebounty on your head in the first place. There is no reason whatsoever to attempt a prison break and absolutley nothing to be gained from it. You're better off just coming back foryour stolen gear onc ey ou've served your sentence.


> Citizens arrest: if you catch a criminal in the act comitting the ir crime (say the guy at thebeginning of Markarth or the Killer in Blood On The Ice or one of those random thieves) you can immediatly confront them, subdue them, and see that thay make it ot a nice warm cell. alternatively if you encounter incriminating evidence against someone (Say Maven Black-Briar or Anise) you can present it to them and either subdue them or persuade/intimidate them in to coming quietly.


Report to Guards: similar to citizens arrest but this involves y ou reporting the incriminating evidance and your findings to the Guards so that thay will confront and arrest the suspect


NPC Prison Sentences: if an NPC is subjected to a citizens arrest or is reported to the guards than they will serve out an allotted sentence. After which they will either be executed or returned to their original location.


Subdue and Capture, and Kidnapping: this owuld provide y ou the option to capture friendly or hostile NPCs using some of the mechanics in game used against the player and DB victims in "With Friends Like These" Such as blindfolding them, binding htem, gagging them, tying them up, and chaining them to a wall (like the torture victims in Dawnstar) as well as imprisoning and leaving them in a location ofyour choosing. maybe even the option to execute them by making them interact wiht a chopping block and having you activate it to play the execution animation. Or perhaps you're a vampire capturing cattle, a vigilante who feels the need to take justice in to his own hands perhaps even sell them in to slavery or have htem join you in exchange for their freedom. Or you could get information from them say if you capture osme random Thalmor and torture, intimidate, or persuade informatin out of them it will point y ou to either a Thalmor base or a radient thalmor encounter of some sort. same with o thers orts of NPCs.


Investigations and Trials: maybe there could be special quests where you or other NPCs are put on trial where you may have to investigate the truth and clear your name or the framed parties name and ensure the guilty party faces justice perhaps being able to play as a lawyer, guard, or private investigator. this would natrually require some good locations for the trials.



Whistleblowing: an alternative optionf or if you find incriminating evidence against osmeone, you can send it to a courier or publisher to get the information released to the public. Mayble you leak Maven's dirty secrets for all the world to see, or make sure the whole province knows about Grelod's abuse, or even expose corrupt guards and Jarls so that the public will potentially overthrow them. (sidgear and Maven come to mind).


Restorative Justice: this would be a certain type of thief playthrough that would go hand in hand wi th the Whistleblower idea. basically it involves someone contractingyou to steal somethign that was taken form them. maybe you're taking back Tax money from the Jarl and returning it to the people, maybe a dock worker or farmer was cheated out of hard earned mo ney or a precious item so you need to steal it back and return it to them.

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wellt her eARE NPCs who do and have comitted crimes, such as an attempted murder in Blood on the Ice or as soon as you walk in to Markarth, or the various crimes that had been comitted by NPCS in the past like the Black-Briars and the Silver-Bloods. but I"m asusming you mean my idea for having random crime events wouldn't work yes?

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  • 1 year later...

As hard as this would be to accomplish, I like the idea. It always bothered me that imprisoned NPCs were never released, and that the only way to deal with most enemies is to kill them. Most of your ideas are just reusing content that's already in the game, so I'm sure it's not even as hard as we all seem to think it is. Just requires a good bit of scripting.

Edited by mataschmata
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