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Oblivion Freezing on Combat Start & End

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I tried that but I haven't messed a lot with the INI file as I use Mod Organizers Ini Tweaks to modify it. Same result.


This has been happening a very long time(I haven't played Oblivion in a few months). I just recently started re-installing everything with mod organizer and also been trying to fix that sound issue for a while now.


The weird thing is, it only happens in Morrowind and Oblivion. No other Bethesda game(or other games in general) has such a bug for me(Tested Fallout 3 as well). And I have never had any sound issues with any other game besides those two with the stuttering when the music changes from exploration to combat (and back).

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My only experience is with Oblivion so I can't say how closely related they are to one another but it does lead me to think it's some common setup thing in both games.


What happens if you toggle bDSoundHWAcceleration off (change bDSoundHWAcceleration=1 to bDSoundHWAcceleration=0)? Also though I'm not sure whether or not it has anything to do with the game music, what is your iMaxImpactSoundCount set at?

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iMaxImpactSoundCount is set to 32.


I tried setting bDSoundHWAcceleration to 0 and it had to effect on the stutter.


TBH a small stutter wouldn't be a problem but the game freezes for about 1.5 seconds each time the music track changes on combat start and end.


EDIT: I tried lower the value from 32 to 24 and 16 and 8. No effect again :(

Edited by BlueDaedricDragon
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The default for iMaxImpactSoundCount is 32 ... was just curious if yours had been set to something else as I saw mention of setting too low causing problems (crashing type, not your type though).


I'm about out of ideas. The only thing you haven't answered is whether or not you have any codec paks installed (KLite is one that comes to mind, but there are lots of others). Codecs are known to cause sound problems with the game.


To see ways to find out what codecs you have installed do a Google search for "how to find codecs on my computer" (without the quote marks). Depending on your Windows version there are different ways to find them. I'm an old Win XP dinosaur but when I was looking for them just now myself I see that Windows Media Player was set to download codecs automatically. Microsoft knows no bounds on finding ways to screw up a machine.

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Microsoft CCITT G.711 A-Law and u-Law CODEC

Microsoft GSM 6.10 Audio CODEC


Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec (decode only)

Decode AC3 and DTS audio

Microsoft PCM Converter

WMAudio Decoder DMO


WMSpeech Decoder DMO

MP3 Decoder DMO


Also have AC3Filter if that should make any difference. And Divix if that could also be an issue?

Edited by BlueDaedricDragon
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I'm by no means an expert on sound, only know that codecs have been reported as problem causers. That said I don't see anything in that list that raises a flag for me. The only non-MS codec listed is the Fraunhofer, but that doesn't lead me to think it could be a problem (I have heard of them in the past). Are there any further details available for the Decode AC3 and DTS audio entry on your list (on a right click Properties menu for example)?


Again, I have little experience with Divix other than I've heard of it before. If it's something you've downloaded and installed, and can be easily re-installed after a test then by all means you could try uninstalling Divix and see. Do a complete reboot of your machine after uninstalling and before testing so any leftovers are cleared from memory.


A Google search leads me to think the AC3Filter is a third party type download. If there is an uninstall or disable option there it'd be another thing to try.


Looks to me from Google again that the MP3 Decoder DMO is Microsoft related ... Windows 7 possibly. That same search had a page listed for Codec Tweak Tool: Manage, detect, remove broken Codecs ... not sure if it would be of any help (again no personal experience). This part of the description caught my eye:



Codec Tweak Tool provides user with codec information those are broken, damaged or installed as a detailed log. It gives users an option to enable/disable all or one codec pack in few clicks.
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Yeah I've pretty much tried everything now, I've checked that tool but it didn't detect any broken codes :/. I also removed AC3Filter and it had no effect as well.


The only thing I haven't tried yet is a reinstall of Oblivion and passably reinstalling Windows 7(which i really don't want to do at this point).


The only thing that has helped was disabling the Music via the config file but I rather like the music in the background.


I would just like to thank you for the help so far.


EDIT: I've done some fiddling around with the Music folder. Apparently the game doesn't like loading ANYTHING from the Music/Battle folder. I've tried putting in dungeon music there and replacing it but it still stuttered on change. However when I emptied out the folder everything seemed to have been fine.

Looks like there is something wrong with the way Oblivion changes the soundtrack for battle music.

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What is somewhat baffling is that it is only affecting the changes to and from the battle tracks. It is possible that you also have the pause on switching to the other folders (example switching from explore to town or dungeon) but you don't notice the pause as it's "hidden" in the loading screen.


As a workaround if you don't have the pause with an empty battle folder it could be worse. When things get quiet you need to get your guard up sort of thing. I use the tweaks in Trifle to have the battle music not start to play until the enemy is close enough to touch. I don't get any warning when they come up behind me that way.


- Edit - I use use all but the track found in the Special folder from Oblivion Music Overdose. Of course the three tracks in the Battle folder won't be of any use for you (unless you find them fitting to use as explore or something). They fit so well into the style of the vanilla tracks that I need to listen to them in Media Player outside the game to know which are original and which come from the mod.

Edited by Striker879
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Yeah scratch my previous assessment... after playing around with a test character for a bit, i noticed the stuttering also happens when any track changes. It was even more noticeable with Trifle.


Besides disabling music I really don't know what else I could try.

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Just a random idea: does Enhanced Music and Control 2 make any difference? Probably will not make any difference, but if you do not have any other ideas, it might be worth a try. Or might not, I do not know. At least it makes the music experience a bit smoother, I think. If you use MO, make sure to put all OBSE plugins in the actual game folder and follow the instructions on installing the mod (like erasing all file details, covers and such).


I am not an expert when it comes to this sort of things, this is just a random suggestion. If it fails (probably will), just ignore it. :P

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