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Oblivion Freezing on Combat Start & End

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As I said in my second post, Windows isn't always the best bet for updating drivers for non-Microsoft hardware. Use the link I provided or go to your machine's manufacturer's site and download the latest driver from there.

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As I said in my second post, Windows isn't always the best bet for updating drivers for non-Microsoft hardware. Use the link I provided or go to your machine's manufacturer's site and download the latest driver from there.

Tried it and the driver is apparently up to date :/


BTW The G430 headset also has a built in sound card, could that also be an issue?

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I suppose that may be possible. Does the G430 show up as a sound card in your system devices list? If you have a set of speakers you could test using those instead of the headset and see what happens.


I had a look at a review of them done by Tom's Guide but didn't see any info about this "built in sound card" there or on the Logitech product page. The Tom's page does mention that they can be used either using the USB adapter or plugged into your sound card/on-board sound. Which way are you using them?

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I use Trifle to control certain aspects of how the game music plays (I have it so that the combat music track plays to the end instead of just until the combat is over for instance). It is an OBSE plugin, so OBSE is required.


That said it isn't designed to fix your problem. If you set it up like how I have it it would just move the pause to whenever the combat track ends instead of when combat ends and the game changes tracks back to explore etc. You could try it, but it doesn't address the root cause of your problem.


Are you playing on a desktop machine or a laptop?

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If it's a desktop machine then adding a discrete sound card isn't very difficult. Even an inexpensive sound card will provide far better sound and performance than any on-board solution like your VIA or Realtek. Here in Canada if you buy your card somewhere like Staples you can have them install it for you (at a small fee of course) but installing one truly is as simple as plugging the card into a slot on the motherboard and running an install disk.


Before trying that you could try letting Oblivion rebuild Oblivion.ini. Just rename your current Oblivion.ini to something like OldOblivion.ini or OblivionINI.old (which will trigger a complaint from Windows about changing a file extension, which you can safely ignore). Start the game and it will rediscover your machines hardware and create a new Oblivion.ini. You will probably need to go through the video options menu and put the settings back to your preference. If the new Oblivion.ini stops the pauses then you can transfer any settings from the renamed old Oblivion.ini to your new one (if you are like me and have tweaked some settings). I'd suggest that you archive the old Oblivion.ini, but then again I'm a conservative type who has trouble throwing anything away.


If creating a new Oblivion.ini doesn't solve the problem it's just a matter of deleting the failed new Oblivion.ini and changing the renamed original back to Oblivion.ini.


When you say you started using the headset a year and a half ago is that when you started noticing the pauses or is that situation something that just started happening (which would then indicate that your sound system has nothing to do with the problem)?

Edited by Striker879
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