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The Witcher 3: performance on older systems


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Hi folks,

what are your experiences with Witcher 3? I´m thinking about getting it soon but am not sure about it running on my system.

I just got me a gtx 960 with 4 GB Vram, my cpu is a AMD phenom with 4 cores, 3,20 Ghz. I think the weakest part is my oooold DDR2 Ram (8 GB) and my oooooold Hard-Drive (Scsi).

I watched a few Youtube-Vids about Witcher 3 performing on old systems but i´m still not sure. I read somewhere that if you can play Skyrim with a full ENB-Setting and mods like Static Mesh Improvement, Flora Overhaul, Open Cities and so on, you´re good to go with Witcher 3.

Any impressions? Feedback would be great, cheers!


Ach ja: English is my second language, so ... be patient!


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I think you'll be OK, but you may run into a few graphical glitches. I'm running the Witcher on a laptop with an inferior CPU and GPU to you (dual core i5-2520m and Radeon 8950M) and it looks and runs pretty well with most settings in the low-medium range. The main problem I've run into, and it's a pretty common one with TW3, is a peculiar dithering effect when textures load suddenly (eg, if you turn around quickly.) It can look like the NPC or object is materializing in front of your eyes, instead of instantly appearing as you turn your head. It's not frequent, but it can be jarring.

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You can run it at low (maybe medium) graphics but even then it won't be 60fps. I have 4 GB VRAM, 12 GB RAM, a quad core i7 processor running at 70 Gflops and 2.7 Ghz with hyper threading enabled. I ran witcher at low graphics and I could only run it at 30 FPS at low graphics. I returned it.

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@LivingSamosa Problem is those specs aren't as important as which GPU you have. My desktop only has an i5 and 2gb of vram, but I can play on high settings at 45 fps. The key is my desktop GPU, which is an NVidia GTX 670. A more powerful GPU with less VRAM would serve you better for the Witcher. Be prepared to pay for it, though.
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If you're not worried about maintaining 60fps at all times, and can settle for something closer to console fps (maybe a bit better) than you should be able to play the game on high, or even a modified ultra (lower AA, and no HairWorks). Although, your CPU may be a problem. I honestly don't know about that though, not that familiar with Phenom CPU's. Your GPU is solid though, and your game can look amazing if you don't care too much about fps.

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