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Need Westly's Master head pack for MCA


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Just started trying to play Morrowind again. MCA keeps crashing my game - thought it might be corrupted ...when I went to download it seems all versions now require Westly's Master Headpack X - which I don't have and can't find


Would hate to lose the mod - any help appreciated

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Thanks! when I downloaded this from Nexus a window popped up saying
I needed westly's headpack....after reading your post I checked out the "description"
and yep - no need for the headpack....

Is this the same or more stable/ better than the earlier ones? - I had been using 5.2

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Thanks! when I downloaded this from Nexus a window popped up saying

I needed westly's headpack....after reading your post I checked out the "description"

and yep - no need for the headpack....


Is this the same or more stable/ better than the earlier ones? - I had been using 5.2

The principle of MCA hasn't really changed: add more NPCs to the game world.


I think 8.x removed some of the more controversial changes of 7.x (e.g. the crusaders don't have the Cross of St George on their armour any more)


Any mod which adds NPCs to the game world is going to affect FPS due to the extra "AI" processing (AI used in the loosest possible terms for Morrowind's NPCs) and that FPS hit can affect game stability.


But I use 8.1 (remember to download both 8.0 and 8.1 archives).


Here's a consolidated change log from 5.2 to 8.1:





- Fixed the UV mapping on the quivers.

- Traveling Merchants and Peddlers now have the correct dialogue.

- Traveling Merchants now sell less armourer's hammers.

- Fixed an issue where friendly NPCs would sometimes follow the player between cells

after fighting Bandits.

- Companions no longer yell their attack sounds when you make them sheath their


- Companions are now knocked unconscious when their health gets too low. This has

NOT made them invulnerable, as they can still die if they take massive damage. It

will just happen a lot less often.

- Re-enabled dialogue with MCA NPCs.

- Fixed some missing sounds for the zombie companion.

- Removed a reference to a non-existent sound file in the male Courtesan script.

- Scaled Pack Donkeys down to a more realistic size.

- Added Shareel's missing voice files.

- Fixed a bug in the Clothiers of Vvardenfell add-on where peasant women would spawn

wearing a short coat that exposed their lady bits.




- Tweaked all scripts to improve performance, and removed many unnecessary ones.

- MCA is no longer dependent on 'Westly's Master Head Pack', and uses only vanilla

heads and hairs (aside from a few custom heads assigned to companions). Download a

pluginless replacer if you want pretty heads again.

- Changed the way NPC parties spawn to improve performance.

- Removed Rangers and Bounty Hunters.

- Warriors and Archers no longer spawn with mismatched armour.

- Rogues no longer carry shields.

- Added some new tabards and helmets for the Knights to wear.

- Removed all Undead creatures. Download 'The Undead v4.0' to bring them back.

- Created new icons for the Sixth House equipment.

- Fixed the Daedric Bat bug in the Tamriel Rebuilt add-on, and an issue where some

NPCs in interiors wouldn't spawn when they were supposed to.

- Created add-ons for Westly's 'Khajiit Diversity Revamped' and 'Fine Clothiers of

Tamriel', Korana's 'Peasant Gowns Replacer' and Illuminiel's 'Oh My Goddess'.

- Numerous other tweaks and fixes.




- mca_setup script now works correctly.

- Updated Tamriel Rebuilt addon for Sacred East. Added Undertakers with carts with

coffins on them which will appear around Necrom. Coffin mesh by Barbarus.

- Included the missing MCA_A_M_Mole_Quiver_TR.nif for the Tamriel Rebuilt addon.

- Female Nord, Imperial and Redguard vampires are no longer bald.

- Created a new addon for Westly's Khajiit Diversity Revamped mod, changing some of

the MCA khajiits to the new races. Also adds a couple of new companions.




- Added Sailors to Ebonheart, and to Firewatch if you're using the TR Addon.

- Added animated reading NPCs to booksellers, libraries and Mages Guilds. Animations

courtesy of Arcimaestro Antares.

- Added sitting NPCs to all taverns, which will appear and disappear just like the

regular MCA NPCs. Animations also courtesy of Antares.

- Added some new quivers to go with the different armour sets, based on a mesh by


- Added spawn points to all bandit caves and ruins in the Tamriel Rebuilt addon.

- Added Courtesans to the taverns in the Tamriel Rebuilt addon.

- Added the three new longbows from Forgotten's Longbow Pack. Meshes by Zyndaar,

textures by UQForgotten.

- Added some raggedy scraps of clothing to the armoured skeletons.

- Gave the bald Mabrigash some hair.

- Added a new hand cart variant for the Travelling Merchants.

- Added Skeleton Paladins, wearing Jeremy's Knights of Tamriel armours.

- Added Royal Sharpshooters to Mournhold.

- Added some missing sound files for Shareel and the Phantom NPCs.

- Set praying Pilgrims' wander distance to 0.

- Reduced (in some cases halved) the levels of most passive/friendly NPCs. There

were quite a lot level 30 and over, which should be pretty rare on Vvardenfell.

- Rebalanced most hostile NPC and creature lists. Some were set to appear way before

they should have, meaning ridiculously tough fights at levels 10 to 20.

- Some Noblemen will now carry walking canes. Mesh by Dongle.

- Corrected the UV mapping on the Sixth House Longbow bowstring so it's not striped.

- Fixed the holes/gaps in the Sixth House Helmet mesh.

- Added two new ethereal Ash monsters: the Ash Spectre and Ash Shade.

- Added a Sixth House Short Bow for the low-level Sixth House archer NPCs and

creatures, and a Sixth House Mace for the warriors.

- Added Corprus Sufferers to the wilderness.

- The Nether Lich is now ethereal.

- The Ash Slave and Ash Ghoul Archers now wear a Sixth House Quiver.

- Reduced the chance of hostile NPCs spawning in dungeons from 67% to 34%.

- Removed all high-end weaponry from Travelling Merchants.

- Removed all Ebony and Daedric equipment from the MCA leveled lists.

- Removed the Crusader shields with the St George cross on them.

- Removed one of the really long hairstyles, as it was clipping with armour.

- Removed the annoying flies sound from the zombies.

- Removed the Skeleton Crusader with the spotless white armor.

- Bandit arrows are now correctly randomized, instead of always spawning with one

type depending on the player's level.

- Incorporated the old Guards Patch into the main .esm.

- Tamriel Rebuilt guards will now come to your aid when you are attacked by bandits

if you are using the TR addon.

- Hostile Mages will now attempt to teleport away if their health gets too low. This

will be interrupted if you manage to hit them.

- Created unique female-only leveled lists for Tel Mora.

- Fixed a scripting error that would sometimes prevent Rogues from appearing.

- Friendly NPCs in interiors will now be stationary unless they are in an area like

a stairwell, hallway or plaza where they won't get in your way (or try to walk in

or on top of the furniture).

- Friendly NPCs in interiors will now appear and disappear depending on the time of

day, and what type of interior they are in. For example, NPCs in shops will now

disappear at night, while those taverns will hang around until about 2 AM.

- Added some new background dialogue to the companions Yasmine, Ghrash, Kagha,

Catherine, Marianne, Susan, Isolde and Laeril. Huge thanks to PeteMC for taking

the time to write them.

- Had another go at fixing the Drunkards CTD (I think I got it this time).

- Added Caravaners, who will spawn on roads with their caravans and a guard escort.

- Replaced the Companion NPC script with a new, much more advanced version by abot.

- The keys for Shareel and Zharna's quests are now detectable via the Detect Key


- Created a new setup menu which will activate when you load MCA for the first time,

or start a new game, where you can choose to enable or disable certain NPC types

and features.




- Female Dunmer thugs are no longer bald.

- Mystics and Illusionists are no longer nude.

- Fixed a problem where the player could not enter dialogue with some MCA NPCs.

- Fixed some script errors referencing missing IDs.

- Fixed the vertex lighting on the Frost Lich meshes.

- Made a new mesh for the Dire Frost Lich, which animates correctly this time.

- Fixed the animation bug with the Clothiers of Vvardenfell add on.

- Dead Pilgrims are actually dead now. Health should have been zero but it wasn't.

- St. George crosses are really gone from the Crusader armor this time.

- Bandits will now use any thrown weapons in their inventories before attacking with

a melee weapon.

- Re-scripted the Courtesan sequence to something a bit more tasteful (and much less

gratuitous!). Animations by RX31.

- MCA no longer modifies Bethesda's Bed_Standard script, so it no longer requires a

patch to be compatible with Necessities of Morrowind. Yay.

- Restored some of the companions from 5.x that were missing in 6.0. I also added

some mini-quests to get the three daedric companions (Shareel, Arran and Zharna).

Ask around in Ald Velothi, Vivec and Tel Branora to get the quests.

- Reduced the chance of Undead Knights spawning with glass weapons.

- Gave the Vampiric Mist some sounds so they don't use the default Werewolf ones.

- MCA Vampires will now spawn according to your MCA_MoreEnemies setting if you are

using the Vampire Realism patch.

- Priests now offer healing services for a fee.

- Commoners with shopping baskets now only appear in the Mournhold Bazaar, and not

the other parts of the city.

- Tweaked the pathgrids in The Winged Guar so NPCs don't wander into the bedroom.




- Fixed the bug where companions would levitate instead of water walking.

- Fixed the bug where Merchants' carts would sometimes bob around.

- Fixed Bandit ambush scripts so the ambushers appear behind the player instead of

in front.

- Fixed bug where drunkards would crash the game. Sorry about that one.

- Reduced the frequency of bandit attacks in towns. They also won't spawn until

level 3 now, so no more getting mobbed after stepping off the boat in Seyda Neen.

- Guards no longer carry daedric or ebony weapons.

- Added Fanatics: crazy naked people who spawn in Daedric ruins.

- Added corpses of all adventuring classes to the wilderness and dungeons.

- Added Peddlars, who will spawn in towns selling basic wares.

- Added Beggars of all races.

- Added Hlaalu Agents.

- Added Redoran Enforcers.

- Added Hags.

- Added Thieves, who sneak around on rooftops and in alleyways at night.

- Added Customers to shops, carrying shopping baskets.

- Removed Druids. You're right, this is Tamriel not Faerun.

- Hostile Mages have been divided into four classes: Illusionists, Mystics,

Conjurers and Sorcerers.

- Added Highwaymen and Brigands to various crossroads around Vvardenfell.

- Outlaws are now Marauders (ala Oblivion).

- Removed St. George crosses from the Crusader armour.

- Bards and Minstrels now carry their lutes on their backs.

- Pilgrims in temples and at pilgrimage sites now use Lingarn's praying animations.

- Pilgrims, Novices, Laymen and Travelers now carry staffs set up as shields.

- Rogues no longer funtion as guards, so they won't haul you in if you commit a


- Assassins no longer spawn in towns during the day.

- Merged in the changes from 'The Undead 3.1' and 'Minions of House Dagoth 1.1'.

These mods are now obsolete if you are using MCA 6.0.

- Balanced all loot/equipment lists for hostile NPCs so you they don't carry as much

expensive gear.

- Rewrote ALL scripts for better performance.

- Made some new add on .esps.




Which may help but may not...

Anyway look at all those changes!


Some indicate performance improvements to the scripts too.

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