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2 people riding 1 horse and horse riding positioning mod request.


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i think the title says it all but to put it simply. could someone make a mod that makes it so that horses can carry 2 people?


i phrased my request that way because i don't want it to be just the horse i'm riding but rather all horses which would work well with my plan to adventure around Skyrim with 3 follower mods and a husky mod by having me and 1 follower ride 1 horse and my other 2 followers ride the other horse. having 2 horses rather than 4 would be less costly and it'd seem strange if i was the only one who could take up passengers for horse rides.


also, 2 people riding on 1 horse is nothing new i've even seen it done in other games (to give an example the free to play MMORPG Mabinogi has many mounts like horses, dragons, living treasure chests, living scooters, living flying food trucks, etc that can carry multiple people).


also, i'd like to see this position https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidesaddle as one that female characters use when riding as a passenger.

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Just because it done in other games, dose not mean it can be done with Skyrim. There is has been an wip thread about it and the whole riding thing was a buggy, glitchy mess. Thus, the project ended.



The female mod exists, just look up the word, riding.

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  • 5 months later...

Honestly,I'd find it kinda unfitting for a experienced adventuress who has seen her fair share of bloodshed to ride sidesaddle.


It'd be nice to have the option to have other people on your horse,but it was never pulled off because of reasons listed above.

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