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Will email notifications EVER take me to the last unread post?


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Every. Single. God. Damn. Time I get an email notificatio telling me someone has posted in a topic I've subscribed to, I click the link to go to the last unread post in that topic and it always, without fail, takes me to the VERY FIRST POST in that topic. It's been like this for probably over a year now and it's starting to get on my nerves which is why I'm now bringing up this issue here. The forum does correctly Remember Me so I don't know why it can't track the last read post in a topic.

Edited by Franpa
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Hi jim_uk.


Please ensure that your profile settings allow for email notifications. These settings can be found at the top left of the forum by clicking your screen-name > my settings > notifications options.


Hope this helps!


I've done that countless times, they'll work for a week or so and then stop, however the email notifications for PMs do work. I'll redo them again and see if they stick this time, it's been a while, I'd given up on them.

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Yeah, go to newest post almost never works for me either. Whether it's a long thread I'm watching or a particularly long pm. It always takes me to the first page, not the latest post since my last post or even the latest post in the thread.

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Every. Single. God. Damn. Time I get an email notificatio telling me someone has posted in a topic I've subscribed to, I click the link to go to the last unread post in that topic and it always, without fail, takes me to the VERY FIRST POST in that topic. It's been like this for probably over a year now and it's starting to get on my nerves which is why I'm now bringing up this issue here. The forum does correctly Remember Me so I don't know why it can't track the last read post in a topic.

yeah, this does happen when I haven't posted in the followed thread for me. If you follow and don't post, you get the first post. If you follow from a file site thread, you get the first post if you have not yet posted in that thread.


Redundancy. Sorry. I might have said it twice. But you get the idea.

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