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In Memoriam


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Lately I've been playing a "dead followers are dead" style, where I turn off all auto-heal and protection for all my followers. And if they die and my character survives, no re-loading. I give them a proper burial or Sovngard send-off using Clean Up Your Corpses.
But, this being modded Skyrim, eventually my character will have a lavish estate or maybe even a castle. And, it makes sense she would want to have some sort of means of honoring those who fought and died alongside her.
Which brings me to my idea. Some sort of mod that allows you to make placeble or hangable signs/tablets/whatever that:
  • When you click on it, it brings up text (like the tablets along the way up the 7,000 steps) which you can edit, giving the name of your dead follower: "In memory of Stenvar" or whatever you want.


  • You can then place where you like using something like Jaxonz positioner. So you can make a hall of remembrance or whatever you like. Hang them in your giant armory. Stick them out in the garden, whatever you like.
Thoughts? Ideas? Is this possible?
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