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taunting mod?


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I am trying to find a taunt mod that allows you to taunt a particular NPC to the point where they can attack you, much like in morrowind. Mainly so I can kill someone in the street without going to jail. Anyone made a mod like this?
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I don't think there is one. The author of this mod was thinking of adding it, but that never happened.



It should be doable with a scripted spell with personality, disposition and spreechcraft skill checks, and the startcombat and moddisposition commands.


There is the frenzy spell of course, but success would then depend on your illusion skill rather than your speechcraft skill.


And next time, post mod related questions in the General Mod Talk section please. :)

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There are certain NPCs in the game who will attack you if you bring their Disposition low enough, no mods involved. Figure out what enables that, then carry it over to every other NPC in-game.


That probably has to do with the actor's aggression, responsibility or confidence. Or a combination of those.

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Setting an actor's aggression to a value higher than their disposition for any other actor will cause them to attack the other actor. A setting of 5 or below means it will not initiate combat under any circumstance, but will enter combat if directly attacked. A setting of zero means it will refuse combat even if attacked.


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On a side note, most NPCs probably shouldn't be killed because they have shiny stuff. You can occasionally break your game trying to do so as many NPCs don't respawn. Just go hunt bandits, they carry everything up to daedric, npcs in towns don't even have enough gold to be worth killing.
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On a side note, most NPCs probably shouldn't be killed because they have shiny stuff. You can occasionally break your game trying to do so as many NPCs don't respawn. Just go hunt bandits, they carry everything up to daedric, npcs in towns don't even have enough gold to be worth killing.


I am not killing them for gold. I am killing them when they say something to me I don't like. I serve a lot of prison time, and I thought it would be nice to have that taunt ability to make them attack me so I dont have to go to jail as much. Breaking out if fun though :D


As for breaking the storyline, I am not worried about that so much, I beat it on 360 but had to buy the pc version for the mods. More or less just messing around.

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