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Mesh scale request


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Long story short, I wanted a sweet dragon bone staff with a dragon skull that breaths destruction magic. Should not be that hard to make myself, right? All I have to do is slap 2 meshes together.


5 minutes later, the dragon skull just won't scale down in a size that a staff can carry with nifSkope. Is someone here able to take the challenge, give me a hint or knows another dragon skull? I already have the skull from the wrdragonreach assist ready to be scaled down.

Edited by Boombro
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Is it DragonBonesSkull01.nif your trying to scale?


What size are you trying to scale it down to?

eg 1.0 is normal, so 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05 ?


What staff are you attaching it to?


At the end of the staff I gather?


Be pretty easy to scale it.


What's happening when you scale it in Nifskope that makes it not work?

eg, scaling it and your unable to align it to the end of the staff?


Sorry for the questions but just need to know if it needs importing into blender so you can scale it keeping the height offset or not.

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I was not scaling that, but the wall mounted version of the WR castle. Now it scales!




What staff are you attaching it to?
At the end of the staff I gather?

Yup, at the end. And I have no idea what staff that will fit the most. I'm testing on staff04 one since this my first weapon mod.


Do you think I should place them at word walls, near dragon priests, or make one crazy staff for every dragon type out there and scatter them?

Edited by Boombro
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If you turn the rib upside down the dark end would come from the back of the dragon head which would come close to the dragon head darker color.


Also the knob of the bone would be at your hand end.


As far as i was aware the Sov bone was meant to represent a dragon bone.

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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