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Walk me through changing a character's appearance?


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I've tried the UESP tutorial on the TES Construction Set. Really, I have. But, it's just too all-encompassing and confusing when I just want to make a small change (and not create an entire mod from scratch).

Would anyone be willing to help me change the appearance of one character? That's all I want to do. It's the Stoker Wolff .esp and I just want him to have shorter hair.

That's it.



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1) Open the CS and put an X in Oblivion.esm and StokerWolff.esp (double left click), then set StokerWolff.esp as the active file (button just below the file list in bottom left corner).

2) In the Object window find the category NPC in the list on the left. If you know the NPC's race you can expand NPC (click the +) and single left click that race or else just click on NPC and see all the loaded NPCs listed in the Object window right hand pane. Scroll down and find Stoker Wolff (look in the name column rather than the EditorID column as the EditorID may not be exactly the same as the name in game).

3) Double left click Stoker Wolff. In the NPC Editting dialog that opens you will see tabs across the top of the right hand side of the dialog. Click the Face tab.

4) In the Face tab find the Hair Length slider (third down from the top slider). Adjust the hair length, while watching the face in the preview window. You can left click, hold and drag the face to rotate it and get a better look.

5) When you are happy with the change click OK to close the NPC Edit dialog and then File and Save in the CS menu. Exit the CS and with your StokerWolff.esp active in the launcher Data Files go into the game and check out your handiwork.


Edit: A good point I've taken from Astymma's post in this thread is when you are setting the StokerWolff.esp active in step one check in the window to the right for esm dependancies. If it's just Oblivion.esm you're good to go with what I've outlined. If an additional or different master is listed you need to have that master (.esm) file 'X'ed as well (only 'X' the masters that StokerWolff.esp has listed).

Edited by Striker879
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The CS says I need the 1.2 Oblivion patch. I have the 3.2 patch. Doesn't the 3.2 encompass all of 1.2 in addition to other upgrades?


Edit: Why do these things always have to be a headache? When I tried to install 1.2, the download tells me that the "old file" was not found. So, I did a search and it seems the OBMM's archive invalidation is the problem. So, I went into my data folder and deleted "archiveinvalidationinvalidated". Still, no dice.


Jiminy Christmas ... ...

Edited by wollam11
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This is the line I'm referring to:


"If you use OBMM or other tool for Archive Invalidation, be sure to disable this feature, remove BSA edits and restore to default."


How do I disable the feature?

How do I remove the BSA edits?

How do I restore to default?

How do I get it back to it's current condition (and allow me to continue to play the game with all my current mods in place)after I've downloaded the 1.2 patch?

Do I have to reinstall (overwrite) the 3.2 patch after I install the 1.2 patch?

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The CS says I need the 1.2 Oblivion patch. I have the 3.2 patch. Doesn't the 3.2 encompass all of 1.2 in addition to other upgrades?


The latest version is 1.2.0416. If you're mentioning 3.2 or something, it can be Unofficial patch, which is 'ordinary' mod that fixes various glitches which can be fixed by plugin-level. And it requires official 1.2.x patch to work.

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Since Unofficial Oblivion patch 3.2 is an active OMOD, I can only figure that I installed the Official Oblivion patch 1.2 before. So, I'm clueless what to do next.


As for TES CS:

Before all that, a warning popped up saying "File Oblivion.esm is a higher version than this EXE can load. Continue running executable?" It said the same thing for the Stoker Wolff .esm ...

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As for TES CS:

Before all that, a warning popped up saying "File Oblivion.esm is a higher version than this EXE can load. Continue running executable?" It said the same thing for the Stoker Wolff .esm ...


What is your CS version? Recent MODs are made with CS 1.2(Though some modders use 1.0 for lip synching because 1.2 broke it).

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Downloaded the updated TES Construction Set.

Now, when I try to shorten the guy's hair, it says "Failed to load 'Meshes/Characters/Corean/Head/Corean_Head4.nif' in BSFaceGenModel::LoadModelMesh"

and then

"Failed to load 'Meshes/Characters/Imperial/eyeleftshavn.nif' in BSFaceGenModel::LoadModelMesh"

and then



If I try anyway, nothing saves.

Edited by wollam11
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