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How to cook/pack edited redswf file?


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After I edit a redswf file. How could I pack it to a mod or replace it in game? I have tried wcc_lite pack command but it is for texture (including build cache command). It's cooked but can't pack, there is nothing in packed folder.


The file that I have edited is "gameplay\gui_new\swf\witcher3\font_en.redswf". I have embed utf-8 supported font into it and place in "mod\translate\uncooked".

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I'm trying to do the same type of font replacement... I'm using Sarcen's editor and I'm coming up empty.


I've successfully uncooked and then edited the redswf. I create a new mod in mod editor and open fonts_en.redswf, go down to swfResource and import my modded version. The file size updates in properties so it appears to work. I then select Pack and Install Mod. A metadata.store is created, and that's all. No blob. No errors. I've also tried this same process but first adding fonts_en.redswf, then opening fonts_end.redswf and importing. I've also tried importing with fonts_en.redswf renamed to fonts_en.red.swf.


What step am I missing? I really need to replace this font so I can play with a gamepad from my recliner...


Could someone give me the command line options so I can create a bat? No luck so far on that front either.


Here's the relevant part of the log. Contrary to what it says, the blob0.bundle is actually just 352 bytes.:

[2016.03.20 13:54:09][Info][WCC] Compressing 'gameplay\gui_new\swf\witcher3\fonts_en.redswf'...
[2016.03.20 13:54:09][Error][WCC] Compression of file 'C:\w3edit\fontcharissil\files\gameplay\gui_new\swf\witcher3\fonts_en.redswf' failed for some reason. Storing as uncompressed.
[2016.03.20 13:54:09][Info][WCC] Bundle 'C:\w3edit\fontcharissil\packed\content\blob0.bundle' saved, 1 files, 552.00 KB of data

Edit: the problem was the file size. CharisSIL is a comprehensive font and I was embedding it in its entirety. There are obviously size limits here, and you can't replace small fonts (in size) with gigantic ones.

Edited by ralphonzolio
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