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Torches cast Shadows [REQ] alt download


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I was super excited when I saw a video showcasing phitts mod. Alas, was disappointed tp find it removed from the nexus...I saw the everlasting torch with dynamic shadows. But it's missing one sorbitol direct I want - mpc/pc shadows cast. Judging by the image, there are none so I didn't bother downloading it. Does anyone have phitts file I can download, or know an alternative mod for npc/pc shadows from torches? Edited by donnyb1992
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I don't think anyone still has it, even so, its a bad idea all the same.

Making a mod to give a torch dynamic shadows is super easy, but the Skyrim game engine is not that big on lighting effects.

(tried this myself) the game only tolerates x amounts of lights it can generate in one area.

Light sources with shadows make you able to use even less lights in the same area.

usually this courses one or both light sources to glitch, disabling the light on the ground or your character.

It does not break the game, but its VERY annoying and immersion breaking.


Nexus most likely has other mods for torches to cast shadows (just type "torch" and "shadow" in the search box and I'm sure something shows up)

But I can't recommend it as (unfortunately) the game engine just can't handle it, most likely why Skyrim has no real dark nights or dungeons, as the system can't deal with enough light sources.

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Pretty much this: The game can only handle a total of 4 lights at a given time that cast shadows. You add more, than something isn't going to load right. On top of that the lag from the non stop updates to the shadows as you move would really not make it worth it.

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