grnchtr Posted October 28, 2015 Share Posted October 28, 2015 Hi, I recently tried an unmodded profile in MO and IT FREAKIN RAN AT 60FPS WITH ENB!!!! FYI, my modded profile runs at 25-45 fps. So after my mini orgasm I couldn't determine the fps killer in my mod list. Can anybody help me?DynDOLOD is set to lowAll texture mods are 1kMod list: # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.-Phinix Natural ENB+Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures+Enhanced ENB Night Eye+Skyrim Subsurface Scattering Patch for ENB+Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB+Clarity ENB+Vividian - Weather and Lighting Enhancement - 7+DynDOLOD output+DynDOLOD+skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds+Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim+Beyond Reach+Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two+LIAT - Lively Inns And Taverns+Populated Cities+Elaborate Textiles - NPC Clothing Retexture+2X Clothing Re-Mix+Improved NPC Clothing - High Res+Face to face conversation+Same Walk and Run Speeds+Follower Commentary Overhaul - FCO+Better Stealth AI for Followers - No Torch while Sneaking-Grass On Steroids-Tamriel Reloaded Grass Patch+Grass on Steroids - a grass mod that gives FPS BOOST and Dense Grass-Tamriel Reloaded - Textures and Parallax+Realistic Water Two-Tamriel Reloaded HD+Vivid Landscapes - All in One+Project Parallax Remastered-NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K+Yuril Rings HQ-Candle Glow-theFlicker-The Best Male Idle Animations-Male Idle Animation Replacer-No heavy muscular walk and idle+main menu wallpaper replacer HD 1080p now with randomizer+Stormcloak Armor Revival - HD and 4K textures-Dead Body Collision Fix-The Notice Board - Open Cities Patch-Open Cities and other mod compatibility Patchs-Open Cities Skryim - Patch Central - REGS Compatible-RealVision ENB 279b+YOT - Your Own Thoughts-MainMenu+Minimal HUD for Skyrim+Fix for combat music+Better Horse Pain Sounds+FSS - Better Bards+FSS - No pause between lines+HQ Skyrim map V2-NO MORE CRITICAL -CLUNK- NOISE-No Sneak Attack Sound+Deadly Mutilation - dismemberment blood and gore+Bloody Facials REBLOODED-Horsemen - Mounted Combat Enhancement+Bards Play Less - Bards Play Only on Request+The Notice Board - Falskaar+Wyrmstooth - Tweaks and Enhancements+Notice Board - Dragonborn DLC - Better Solstheim Quests-Compass Mod - Immersive Undiscovered Locations+SIM - Skyrim Interface Makeover (Fhaarkas Font Mod)+SkyUI+The Notice Board-Verdant+RS Children Overhaul+UNO - Dawnguard FIXED+UNO - Dragonborn+UNO+Lovely Hairstyles+The Eyes Of Beauty+SG Hair Pack+KS Hairdos - BSA+Auto Unequip Ammo-Bloody Facials-Lock-On - adds a lock-on system-Dual Wield Parrying-Blocking-The Joy of Perspective-Dynamically Disable Eye Adaptation and Bloom+Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life-Fuz Ro Doh+Fighting Fatigue 2.1+Glow BeGone (no enchanted armor and wet body glow)-Shaders Begone+Action Combat+PerMa - Stamina Damage Tweaks+No Enchantment Glow-No More Glowing Edges Mod+Enemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies---No Scripts Version+Clapping or applaud change+1st Person Greatsword idle animation fix-Killmove Animation+Multiple Floors Sandboxing+Left Hand Fix For One Handed Weapons-The Witcher 3 Music Overhaul AIO+Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed+Go to bed+Brawl Bug Plugin+When Vampires Attack+【DSAMG】Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious+Enhanced Blood Textures+Animations+Birds of Skyrim+Dogs of Skyrim+Pets of Skyrim+Wonders of Weather+ETHEREAL AURORAS+Skygazer - HD 2K Constellations (with nebulae)+Skygazer Moons - Masser and Secunda Ultra HD 4K (2K and 1K) Moon Textures+Moon Glow+Ethereal Cosmos+Enhanced Night Skyrim+ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture+High Resolution Scars+Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles+Brows+Coverwomen+Beards+ApachiiSkyHair+Alternative Crafting System - I dont want to be a blacksmith+Five O Clock Shadow+Holidays-Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul-True Dogs Of Skyrim+Falskaar Wildlife add-on-IslandFastTravel - v1-2+Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Map With Roads+Falskaar - Climates of Tamriel patch+Animated Dwemer Lift Load Doors+Skyrim Horses Renewal+Imperious - Races of Skyrim+Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim-Dark Souls Combat-Combat Evolved-No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu+IHSS - Improved Horse Step Sounds+PerMa Headless(or Helmetless) Warrior+TK Recoil+TK HitStop+Memory Blocks Log+Enhanced Landscapes+Extended UI+TES5LODGen+PapyrusUtil - Modders Scripting Utility Functions+Wyrmstooth+Inconsequential NPCs+Better Beast Races v2+Detailed Bodies-ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer+Detailed Lips-Detailed Faces v2+No More Blocky Faces+ETaC Patches-ETaC+Immersive Music by Hothtrooper44+Music Mods Merged+Darkend+The Forgotten City+AmazingFollowerTweaks+Even Better Quest Objectives+Alternate Start - Live Another Life+Civil War Overhaul+PerMa Compatibility and PaMa Patches XML+Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival+PerMa Compatibility and PaMa Patches+Perkus Maximus - Maximum Perk Overhaul+Undeath+Cutting Room Floor+T3nd0s Skyrim Redone-Open Cities Skyrim+Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade+Unofficial Hearthfire Patch+Unofficial Dragonborn Patch+Unofficial Dawnguard Patch+Unofficial Skyrim Patch+TK Dodge+Ultimate Combat+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS+Dovahkinder Collection - Additional Children Clothes+Dragon Warrior Effects 15 Faster preset change 2 seconds+Realistic Sun for Climates of Tamriel and Vanilla+Remove Interior Fog V2+Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch+Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio+Pure Waters - Waterfalls+Scout Armor+Evil MasterMind Armor+IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for Skyrim+Dragon Warrior Effects 15+Real Shelter-Frostfall Tents (v2.6)+Real Shelter - Full Release+Skyrim Better Roads-A Thinner Compass+Smaller Cursor+Better MessageBox Controls+Vilja in Skyrim-InigoPackageTracingScript+Smart Souls+Winter Is Coming - Cloaks+Ruins Clutter Improved+Expanded Towns and Cities Im. Set. Merged File+Immersive College of Winterhold+Opulent Outfits - Mage Robes of Winterhold v4+Falskaar+Helgen Reborn+JaySuS Swords+Immersive hold borders+Hold Border Banners+Point The Way+Achieve That+Static Mesh Improvement Mod+Relighting Skyrim Series-JIT DL Scripts+Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel-V3+Mitigate HDR Eye Adaptation and disable Bloom+Superior Rock Textures - Hiqh Quality HD 2K and 4K and 1K replacers+Player Headtracking+Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix+Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures lite+Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures+aMidianBorn Book of Silence+Skyrim HD - 2K Textures+skse 1 07 03+Dual Sheath Redux+XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended+RaceMenu+360 Walk and Run Plus+INIGO+bookshelves script SKSE+ELE - Lite+PerMa Defluffed Perk Descriptions+Fantasy Soundtrack Project+Skyrim Performance PLUS+WARZONES - Civil Unrest 2015+Proper Interesting NPCs with Amazing Follower Tweak Compatibility Patch+Amazing Follower Tweaks 3dnpc+3DNPC+Enhanced Animation+Skyrim Project Optimization+DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field+Teeth Plus - Redone+Teeth Plus+Stable uGridsToLoad+Stealth Kills for Followers - Standalone+Immersive Sounds - Compendium+Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2+No NPC Greetings+Pseudo parry animation+Real Effect Candle+Jaxonz Positioner-Lanterns and Candles+SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators+Artificial Intelligence Limit Increaser-Elk Hide+Glowing Ore Veins 300+Build Your Own Home+Looped Wind Sound Bug Fix+No Load Screen Art+KenMOD - Time on loading screen+No Menu and Loading Smoke+Skyrim - Enhanced Camera+Deadly Dragons+Duke+Dragon Combat Overhaul-Dual Hand Combo Hotkeys+VioLens - A Killmove Mod-Wearable Lanterns+Better Dialogue Controls+Convenient Horses+Guard Dialogue Overhaul+A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads+Wet and Cold+iNeed - Food, Water and Sleep+Immersive Patrols+Immersive HUD - iHUD+Run For Your Lives+Cloaks of Skyrim+Realistic Ragdolls and Force+Immersive Weapons+Immersive Armors Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
korun Posted October 28, 2015 Share Posted October 28, 2015 -Realistic Water Two -Tamriel Reloaded HD - like vivid +Vivid Landscapes - All in One - do exactly the same as Tamriel hd +Project Parallax Remastered - like both of above -NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - this one is a fps killer more than the others -Static Mesh Improvement Mod - since is all in one it's more friendly and ......Enhanced Landscapes, + ENB = all of them :P , with your load order you'll never ever have more than what you have right now, let say it's pretty good, i assume 25fps it's in the Whiterun toundra or the marsh near Solitude, 45 in interior, just trim it a bit :D, or just use the parts which each other doesn't cover, it's a bit tricky but if you use MO it's easy i would say get rid of 2 landscape overhaul or more and push Dyndolod to high, for better looking^^, @@ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ironbender800 Posted October 28, 2015 Share Posted October 28, 2015 You cant ask a question like this without listing your system specs. And you also have 2 different ENBs listed. which are you using? I disagree with the above poster. I use Noble skyrim and vivid landscapes WITH vividian and dyndolod and still average 50 fps with a 3570k and gtx 970. The grass mods, plus open cities, warzones, and a lot of the world addons and overhauls are what will cause your issues. Your also using a lot of texture mods that cover the same things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grnchtr Posted October 28, 2015 Author Share Posted October 28, 2015 (edited) Thanks for your repiles guys. -Realistic Water Two-Tamriel Reloaded HD - like vivid+Vivid Landscapes - All in One - do exactly the same as Tamriel hd+Project Parallax Remastered - like both of above-NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - this one is a fps killer more than the others-Static Mesh Improvement Mod - since is all in one it's more friendly and ......Enhanced Landscapes, + ENB = all of them :tongue: ,with your load order you'll never ever have more than what you have right now, let say it's pretty good, i assume 25fps it's in the Whiterun toundra or the marsh near Solitude, 45 in interior, just trim it a bit :D, or just use the parts which each other doesn't cover, it's a bit tricky but if you use MO it's easy i would say get rid of 2 landscape overhaul or more and push Dyndolod to high, for better looking^^,@@ Well crap, I thought texture and parallax mods don't actually hit fps, just stuttering if I put on too much. I don't use tamriel hd nor noble (unused mods are marked with a - on my list), just keeping it in my load order whenever I'm bored with one of the texture mods. i'm getting sub 30fps in triple dragon battles when they use all their specials which cause the world to frickin spout a gazillion spells and fry my laptop (deadly dragons + DCO), but other than that i get 30+ outdoors (even in warzones!) and almost always 60fps indoors. How much fps hit does enhanced and vivid give anyway? You cant ask a question like this without listing your system specs. And you also have 2 different ENBs listed. which are you using? I disagree with the above poster. I use Noble skyrim and vivid landscapes WITH vividian and dyndolod and still average 50 fps with a 3570k and gtx 970. The grass mods, plus open cities, warzones, and a lot of the world addons and overhauls are what will cause your issues. Your also using a lot of texture mods that cover the same things. Specs:i7-4710HQnvidia 840m8gb ram First of all sorry for my confusing list, unused mods are marked with a - in my list. I'm actually using my custom enb, the enb in my modlist are the ones which have data files in them so I can better organize and switch between them using MO. I don't think my specs matter anyway, I'm just wondering what mod gives me the most fps hit as I got 60fps in vanilla + enb compared to the 42fps my modded game gives me while standing in the same spot. I don't use verdant and open cities. Warzones only hit fps in the actual warzones right? Which world addons and overhauls would you think have the most impact? Could script-heavy mods have an impact too? Sorry for all the questions lol Regarding textures, I'm actually only using Skyrim2k. Edited October 28, 2015 by grnchtr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ironbender800 Posted October 28, 2015 Share Posted October 28, 2015 your specs matter because we need to know if you have hardware capable of running these mods. Also why not post all the mods you are ACTIVELY running. You should refer to the sticky post on how to ask for help. You posted a mod list with a bunch of mods that you arent apparently even using. How is anyone supposed to give you accurate help? If you overload skyrim with a million textures, overhauls, and spawning creatures and NPCs you WILL have issues even with powerful hardware. Modding this game is all about balance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HowlingBlitz Posted February 26, 2020 Share Posted February 26, 2020 Make sure your game is the right resolution 1920x1080 some mods change it for some reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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