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Geck Lip-sync


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The GECK as it ships is broken in a few ways, and the lip generator is one of those ways.


If you poke around on google you might be able to find a copy of the missing files. They used to be floating around. Alternately, if you have Skyrim, the lip generator is in \sounds\voice\processing. Just copy that folder to your GECK folder. I think the Obliviion toolset has a working lip generator as well, not sure off the top of my head.


The GECK only recognizes certain file types, like wav and mp3 and ogg, I think. I always use wav and I know the lip generator works with wav files. I'm not sure if the lip generator works with other file types.


Since you already have the sound files, you just need to move them to the right place in your sound\voice directory. It's pretty easy to get the file and directory names screwed up, so what I usually do is go into the GECK for that quest topic and record a second or so of silence and save it, just to get a file with the right name in the right place. Then I copy my wav files to the same directory, delete the garbage blank wav and lip I created in the GECK, and rename the wav file I copied there. It's easiest to copy and paste the wav file name from the GECK as it is usually a very long name and copying it exactly by hand is almost guaranteed that you'll make a typo somewhere.


Once you have the lip generator in place, and you have the wav file in place, then close out the topic in the GECK (because it won't update automatically) and re-open it. Now if you've done everything right so far, the wav file should say YES and the lip file should say NO. Click on the wav file, then click on generate lip file from wav, and it will create the lip file for you.


Any voice clips that you record with the GECK will automatically create the lip files (assuming that you have the lip generator in place) when you save the voice clip so you only need to generate the lip files yourself if you copy a wav file in from somewhere else or you created your voice files before installing the lip generator.

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